After White House’s “Pride” Display Goes Viral – President Biden Accused Of 1 Major Violation
By Sean Kerrvin|June 12, 2023
After White House’s “Pride” Display Goes Viral – President Biden Accused Of 1 Major Violation

What’s Happening:

Some of the most important ideals coming from the United States experience are tradition and honor.

We hold to tradition to make sure we remember the history, sacrifices, and accomplishments that built this nation. We honor the people who came before us and the symbols that help us reflect on the wonder of this great republic.

Somebody needs to clue in the dimwits in the White House about tradition and honor. Doesn’t it seem like every time there is a holiday or event this bumbling band of liberals tries to tear down this nation?

President Joe Biden and his minions leave their dirty laundry flapping in the breeze all too often.

From Fox News:

Biden celebrated the LGBT community in a post Saturday, revealing a set of flags hanging from the White House that faced the South Lawn. The display includes a rainbow-colored Pride flag flanked by two American flags.

“To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American service member buried under its colors,” wrote Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Uncle Sniffer thinks he can do whatever he and his cronies want while in the White House. But what they don’t want people to know is there are rules for the U.S. flag.

The U.S. code is clear:

U.S. Flag Code §7. (e), reads, “The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.”

This didn’t’ sit well with at least one U.S. senator.

From the Washington Examiner:

“Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) accused President Joe Biden of violating the United States Flag Code during a White House Pride Month event on Saturday.

“This is a disgrace,” Marshall tweeted Sunday. “Not only is it in breach of US Flag Code, but it’s a glaring example of this White Houses’ incompetence and insistence on putting their social agenda ahead of patriotism.”

Joe and the rainbow brigade, not surprisingly, didn’t respond to questions about disrespecting the U.S. flag.

But the president made it clear how he feels about the country and the flag.

He proudly voiced his feelings from the South Lawn, praising the LGBT community as “some of the bravest and most inspiring” people he has ever known.

From your president:

“You know, we all move forward when we move together with your joy, with your pride lighting the way,” the president continued. “So today, let us proudly remember who we are – the United States of America.”

How do you feel now after these words of inspiration from the dear leader?

To me it’s not a proud moment when the U.S. flag is treated like it was conquered by the rainbow social justice warriors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pride Month flag waves above U.S. flag at White House.
  • Disrespectful flag display violates U.S. Flag Code.
  • Biden shuns patriots to celebrate with his pride pals.

Source: Fox News, Washington Examiner

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.