After White House Accuses Border Agents – Texas Authorities Turn the Tables on Biden’s Team
After White House Accuses Border Agents – Texas Authorities Turn the Tables on Biden’s Team

Three migrant deaths are being used by the Biden administration to blame Texas officials for the tragedy. A woman and two children drowned recently in the Rio Grande River near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas.

The park is at the epicenter of the illegal immigration crisis along the border with Texas and Mexico. Texas recently took control of the park after it said federal officials weren’t fully enforcing immigration law.

The Biden administration claimed that Texas physically barred Border Patrol agents from assisting the drowning victims. The Texas Military Department then slammed the administration’s blame game with the truth about what happened.

From Blaze Media:
“At no time did TMD security personnel along the river observe any distressed migrants, nor did TMD turn back any illegal immigrants from the US during this period,” the agency stated. “Also, at no point was TMD made aware of any bodies in the area of Shelby Park nor was TMD made aware of any bodies being discovered on the U.S. side of the border regarding this situation.”

The White House claimed Texas soldiers “blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.” Biden’s official statement also said Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abott’s “policies are cruel, dangerous, and inhumane.”

Biden’s claims and blames are far from the truth, according to the TMD. The agency confirmed that federal border agents reached out regarding the migrants in distress. TMD said the migrants were not located and National Guard soldiers “actively searched the river with lights and night vision goggles.”

The reason the migrants weren’t located was they never made it the U.S. side of the river. They drowned in Mexican territory. Reports show that Mexican officials confirmed that the migrants who drowned never entered U.S. territory.

“Claims of Border Patrol requesting access to save distressed migrants are inaccurate,” TMD stated. “Claims that TMD prevented Border Patrol from saving the lives of drowning migrants are wholly inaccurate.”

According to TMD, the unfortunate deaths occurred, and Mexican authorities had already recovered the bodies before the Border Patrol knew about the situation. These are facts TMD said were relayed to Texas National Guard solders by Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol agents, TMD stated, did not request access to the park to help any distressed migrants but to “secure two additional migrants that were presumed to have traveled with the deceased.”

Attempts by the Biden administration to manipulate the facts and falsely accuse Texas officials of these unfortunate deaths offer proof to the depraved minds working in the White House.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Texas Military Department slammed Biden with facts about migrant drownings.
  • The White House twisted the story to falsely accuse Texas of aiding in the deaths.
  • Mexican authorities confirmed that the deaths occurred across the river from Texas.

Source: Blaze Media

January 17, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.