After UN Tells America to Stop Eating Meat – They Get Nailed with 1 Ironic Scandal
By Mick Farthing|December 8, 2023
After UN Tells America to Stop Eating Meat – They Get Nailed with 1 Ironic Scandal

This week, about 80,000 wealthy globalists from around the world are meeting in Dubai. They are attending the United Nations COP28 climate summit.

During this two-week event, UN officials will unveil a plan ordering Western nations–including the U.S.–to limit their consumption of red meat.

Progressive environmentalists claim meat consumption is hurting the planet. But while these elitists are ordering around regular citizens, guess what they are enjoying?

From Fox News:
The ongoing United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai is offering a wide variety of gourmet food options from vendors who serve beef, even as it prepares a report that is expected to call for the West to reduce consumption of beef.

According to the summit’s online portal, its food offerings include “juicy beef,” “slabs of succulent meat,” smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and “melt-in-your-mouth BBQ” in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a “touch of French flair.”

In what many will call a shocking act of hypocrisy, the globalists attending the UN’s climate summit are treated to a wide variety of beef dishes. The summit’s menu offers “juicy beef,” “slabs of succulent meat,” wagyu burgers, and even Philly cheesesteaks.

These very same environmentalists are supporting a report that will demand America and other nations to reduce their consumption of beef. Environmentalists have attacked cattle-raising for years, claiming cows and other meat-producing animals contribute to “greenhouse gases.”

Yet it seems the attendees of this luxurious event are not subject to the same restrictions the UN wants to impose on the United States.

Critics will say this is nothing new. Many celebrity climate alarmists have been criticized for enjoying carbon-emitting luxuries. Wealthy liberals own large estates that use far more electricity than the average house. They fly on private jets that dump more pollution into the air than gas-powered cars. Not to mention their luxury yachts and private vacation getaways.

Despite all this, climate activists demand Americans dramatically reduce their quality of life, based on their claims.

As many have pointed out, red meat is a staple around the world. Forcing nations to cut back on readily available food appears counter-intuitive when food insecurity continues to be a major problem.

It is unlikely that American politicians, nor American consumers, will heed the advice of the UN. And after learning about what these globalists are eating, most Americans will likely reject this report with great prejudice.

Key Takeaways:

  • UN climate alarmists calling for an end to meat-eating in the U.S. are enjoying many meat dishes.
  • The climate summit in Dubai’s menu features a wide variety of beef dishes, including steak and burgers.
  • This comes as the UN prepared to release a report that demands America cut back on eating meat.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.