Trump Scores Large Endorsement of Over 400 Respected Leaders and Officials
By James Conrad|October 4, 2024
Trump Scores Large Endorsement of Over 400 Respected Leaders and Officials

Democrats and the mainstream media have spent months trying to make it look as if Donald Trump has no chance of winning this election. That’s why they are sure to go into full panic mode when they see the massive endorsement that Trump just got from “hundreds” of people.

The Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration has been a complete failure in a variety of ways. One of their worst failings has been in national security. Indeed, thanks largely to them, America is seemingly now more vulnerable to attack than ever.

Knowing this, it should come as no surprise that over 400 national security and foreign policy officials, ex-Cabinet members, retired military officers and Gold Star families just came together to endorse Trump. They did so in the form of an open letter that was put together by former National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and former NSC Chief of Staff Alex Gray.

In this letter, they called out the “repeated failures” of the Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy before urging Americans to re-elect Trump.

From Fox News:
“From a world at peace under President Trump, we are closer to a third world war than ever before under the Biden-Harris Administration,” the letter states. “With multiple escalating wars around the world, an open border that allows terrorists to flood into the American homeland, and malign actors like China operating unabated, U.S. national security has been profoundly damaged by the failed policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.”

Eleven family members of the 13 American troops killed at Abbey Gate at Kabul’s airport during the 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan also signed the letter, which praised Trump’s foreign policy record in contrast to Biden’s controversial actions.

“When President Trump took office, the war in Afghanistan had dragged on for almost 16 years. By February 2020, a peace agreement was reached, ensuring no American soldier was killed in combat until the end of the Trump Administration. This agreement held strong because the Taliban understood President Trump’s resolve and U.S. forces were prepared to ensure their compliance,” the letter reads.

Former Trump Officials Sign Letter

This letter was signed by various prominent officials who served in Trump’s first administration. These officials included former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Attorney General Bill Barr, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, and many more.

Meanwhile, the letter was signed by 40 retired U.S. ambassadors, 75 retired senior military officers, and several hundred officials from previous Republican administrations. The letter points out that Trump is a “peacemaker” who managed to keep America out of wars during his presidency.

“Securing peace is in the greatest tradition of American foreign policy and the Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded,” the letter later stated. “Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be sons of God.’ (Matthew 5:9) Such is the legacy of the Trump Administration.”

Dr. Jerry Hendrix, former director of the Secretary of the Navy’s Advisory Panel, said that it “wasn’t a hard decision” for him to sign this letter.

“Trump had 1 of the more successful foreign policy presidencies since the Cold War,” Hendrix said. “He ended sequestration. He invested in the Navy. The Biden-Harris admin has been one foreign policy debacle after another.”

Biden and Harris’ foreign policy skills have been abysmal to say the least. After four years of them being in power, foreign powers can no longer take America seriously. That’s why we need Trump back in office now more than ever.

In the end, we aren’t surprised at all that hundreds of national security and foreign policy experts are endorsing Trump. Here’s hoping that this is enough to push Trump over the edge and put him back in the White House!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Hundreds of national security and foreign policy experts endorse Trump.
  • Biden and Harris accused of failing miserably in terms of foreign policy.
  • These officials and experts believe Trump is a “peacemaker” who will try to keep America out of foreign conflicts.

Sources: Fox News, Letter

James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!