Troops Lose Out as Biden Vetoes Bill – Look Where Joe Spent Billions of Dollars Instead
Troops Lose Out as Biden Vetoes Bill – Look Where Joe Spent Billions of Dollars Instead

Joe Biden likes to get photo-ops in front of the U.S. military for the mainstream media to capture and declare how patriotic he is. He’s there for all the holiday commemorations, and he reads off the supportive words written by his handlers.

But when it comes to putting his money where his mouth is, Biden continues to fail miserably in support of the rank-and-file military service members. Biden continued to deliver lip service this week when he took money from those who fight for this nation.

This president and his political allies have pledged to support nations across the world with billions of dollars in war-fighting aid. All the while, Biden has led the charge to withhold money needed to aid U.S. military personnel.

From the Daily Caller:
The Biden administration “strongly opposes” a proposal to raise the pay of junior enlisted service members in the military — even after nearly spending seven times the proposed amount on Ukraine and the broader region’s security.

The House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) draft of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would give all junior troops a pay raise, representing a rough total of $24.4 billion over five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The Biden administration said in a statement on Tuesday that it does not support the proposed “significant, permanent” pay hike until it has had a chance to conduct a compensation review.

This is a shocking position from the White House after the Biden administration spent more than $175 billion on aid to Ukraine and European security since 2022. Biden has stroked his executive pen to sign off on all this aid, but he can’t pony up the funds to support enlisted service members.

By comparison, according to Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Biden has freely given the Ukrainian government $11,500 per Ukrainian household.

“It’s shameful,” Banks said. “When accounting for inflation, the average American makes less today than when Joe Biden took office. The White House wants to block Republicans from giving our troops the raise they need to make ends meet in the Biden economy.”

Biden’s snub of funds for the military was a slap in the face to bipartisan members of the HASC. Members sought the pay increase for junior troops to boost recruiting and retention, which has been a significant problem for the military.

The HASC conducted a year-long study that revealed “service members, especially junior enlisted service members and service members supporting large families, struggle to afford housing and feed their families.”

Pay for junior troops is not competitive compared to the civilian job market, especially with high inflation, according to the study. Junior troops were awarded smaller pay raises than senior troops — or no raise at all — in eight of the last 40 years.

“Joe Biden must hate our military,” HASC member Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said. “While families of our junior enlisted struggle on food stamps, this administration opposes their pay raises and wants to force-feed them pronoun training and drag queen story hour.”

“If Biden had any PRIDE at all in our troops, he’d support the long overdue pay raise House Republicans have passed,” Gaetz said.

In the end, it’s clear that Biden’s actions don’t match his words when it comes to supporting our troops. While he’s quick to appear at military events and ceremonies, he consistently falls short on actually providing the necessary funds to improve the lives of our service members. It’s frustrating to see money redirected to foreign aid while our own soldiers struggle. This November, we need to hold our leaders accountable and ensure that those who protect our nation receive the support they truly deserve.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden undermined a House plan to give pay raises to junior military personnel.
  • Biden has supported $175 billion in foreign military aid while snubbing U.S. troops.
  • Enlisted troops have struggled for years with low wages, even needing food stamps.

Source: Daily Caller

June 13, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.