‘The View’ Host Caught by Fact-Checkers – They Quickly Expose Multiple False Claims
‘The View’ Host Caught by Fact-Checkers – They Quickly Expose Multiple False Claims

Liberal critics of conservatives have been quick to attack when someone doesn’t agree with their narrative. But the same critics are slow to call out one of their own who is towing the line for the accepted liberal narrative.

Conservative viewpoints have a hard time getting any traction due to the widespread control of the media by liberals. So when liberal commentators get held accountable, the rare event is worth noting.

A high-profile and very vocal liberal commentator was caught spreading “false information” related to the recent uprising of anti-Israel protests on college campuses. She was bold in her claims, but her words were quickly challenged.

From The Daily Wire:
Sunny Hostin, a far-left co-host of ABC News’ “The View,” made numerous false claims on Monday about the pro-Hamas protests that have erupted on college campuses across the country over the last couple of weeks.

“I think recent protests haven’t even reached the scale of the major student protests that we saw in the late 1960s against the Vietnam War, or even the 1980s against South Africa’s practice of apartheid,” Hostin claimed. “And so I think these are anti-war protests. And I think it’s very distressing, distressing that we are framing these as pro-Palestinian protests or as pro-Israeli protests. These are anti-war protests.”

Her wild assessment landed far from the reality of the protests. As the report stated, at many of the demonstrations protesters openly showed support for designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), including Hamas and Hezbollah. Others could be heard chanting the slogan, “No God but Allah,” that appears on the ISIS flag. Many protesters were exposed chanting “intifada,” a call for violent terrorist attack against Israel and its supporters.

What Hostin claimed doesn’t match with the reality of audio and video evidence that has documented these anti-Israel protests. She continued her claims by calling for a media shift in the “framing of these college protests.” Hostin said college campuses have been home to anti-war protests “as far as I can remember.”

How Hostin remembers the past doesn’t appear to match with the reality of anti-semitic agitators storming buildings on college campuses and vandalizing school property or forcing schools to shut down in-person classes.

Hostin continued her rant by claiming a professor at Emory University in Georgia was “thrown to the ground simply for asking the police, ‘what are you doing to these peacefully protesting students?’”

But that claim was quickly countered by the reality of what happened. Reports show the professor admitted, while in handcuffs, that she “impulsively hit [a police officer] on the head very lightly” and that’s why she was arrested.

Hopefully someone close to Hostin hits her with a fact-check that jolts her back to reality. These protests escalated into a widespread problem that have disrupted higher education and were forced upon schools by people who are actively working to undermine America and Israel.

Key Takeaways:

  • Far-left TV host Sunny Hostin made many false claims about pro-Hamas protests at colleges.
  • She downplayed the severity of agitators’ actions and called for media to change coverage.
  • Hostin failed to explain how protesters supported designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

Source: The Daily Wire

May 1, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.