Ted Cruz Exposes 3 “Spies” Hiding in D.C. – Claims New Evidence Proves Stunning Dem Scandal
Ted Cruz Exposes 3 “Spies” Hiding in D.C. – Claims New Evidence Proves Stunning Dem Scandal

What’s Happening:

Both the Obama and Biden administrations have made heavily criticized decisions regarding Iran. The Middle Eastern country is a known U.S. enemy. It regularly threatens the United States and our allies overseas.

Evidence suggests Iran helped fund Hamas’s attack in Israel. Yet President Biden claimed otherwise. Both Obama and Biden seemed to help Iran. Even just last month, the Biden administration worked to unfreeze $6 billion in assets for the rogue nation.

Biden has tried to resurrect the Iran Nuclear deal. The White House has failed to restrict Iran, softening Trump-era sanctions. But why? Sen. Ted Cruz seems to know why–and he’s blowing the whistle on what he’s calling a massive scandal.

From Fox News:
Sen. Ted Cruz is pulling the curtain back on three “Iranian spies” who were allegedly working at senior levels within the Biden administration, claiming that one of the Iran “sympathizers” is regularly accessing classified materials while working as a chief of staff in the Department of Defense.

Sen. Cruz is revealing that one of Biden’s top officials was Rob Malley. Malley was Biden’s chief negotiator of Iran. Cruz called him an Iran sympathizer. He was an advocate for the Obama-Iran nuclear deal. But he was fired by the Biden administration for “extraordinarily bad judgment.”

Malley was fired and stripped of his security clearances. Cruz claims that three of Malley’s advisors were Iranian operatives. The Republican claims they were recruited by the government of Iran. Emails reveal one of them told a foreign minister that his loyalties were with Iran.

Cruz called these people “Iranian spies.” Two of them are reportedly no longer working in the government. But Cruz claims that one “remains a chief of staff in the Department of Defense” with access to classified documents.

This revelation could explain why Biden appears soft on Iran, despite its history of hostility against the United States. Biden hired a man who sympathized with Iran, for unknown reasons. He hired three figures accused of being spies for Iran.

These officials would have influenced White House policy on Iran, urging Biden to help the nation rather than hold it accountable. This is consistent with the Obama administration, who hired John Kerry–a man who was caught secretly working with Iran even after Obama left office.

Why are there so many Americans siding with a regime that chants “Death to America”? That is a question we cannot answer. But it is likely these figures are either politically aligned with the country or have been paid off by it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ted Cruz accused Biden of employing three Iranian spies.
  • Former Biden official Rob Malley was an “Iranian sympathizer;” he’s been fired and lost his security clearance.
  • Cruz warned that one of Malley’s allies remains working in the Department of Defense.

Source: Fox News

October 23, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.