Supreme Court Makes a Major Decision – Cuts Off Tax Funds for Infamous Radical Group
By Mick Farthing|June 21, 2023
Supreme Court Makes a Major Decision – Cuts Off Tax Funds for Infamous Radical Group

What’s Happening:

It’s been one year since the Supreme Court ended the federal legalization of abortions. Since then, it has been a war between conservative, pro-life states and radical, abortion-only Democrats. Many red states have scored major wins in the fight for life.

In one state, they went to the extraordinary measure of defunding an abortion-only organization. This organization takes hundreds of millions from taxpayers a year to provide abortions for low-income women. But this state ended Medicaid funding for the group. And the Supreme Court just weighed in on it.

From The Washington Examiner:

The Supreme Court on Tuesday threw out a lower court order blocking South Carolina’s attempt to prevent Medicaid funding from going to Planned Parenthood, sending the case back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals…

The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a petition with the Supreme Court on the basis that Congress did not grant Medicaid recipients the right to sue a state if the state has determined that an organization ought not to be eligible for taxpayer funding.

Woah. A lower court ruled that South Carolina was not allowed to block funding to Planned Parenthood. But the Supreme Court threw out that ruling, paving the way for a final ruling that will protect the pro-life state’s stance.

Planned Parenthood receives Medicaid funding to perform abortions on women. But Medicaid, like most government welfare, is distributed by the states. A state government has the power to decide who gets Medicaid–and South Carolina decided to not spend tax dollars on abortions.

The battle is far from over, but this signals a big win for pro-life Americans. Democrats have been pulling all kinds of schemes to force abortion onto red states. Joe Biden himself tried to pull a fast one to ensure the deadly “abortion pill” could be sent to states that have banned abortions.

Geez, Democrats really want women to abort their babies, huh? They can’t stand the fact that there are Americans who actually want to give birth to children and raise families.

The battle to protect life will continue to rage for years to come. But, with each ruling like this, life continues to win.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Supreme Court threw out a ruling stopping South Carolina from defunding Planned Parenthood.
  • The state passed a law blocking Medicaid from funding abortions at PP.
  • The decision throws out a ruling given by a lower court.

Source: The Washington Examiner

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.