Supreme Court Faces Historic New Case – Patriotic Parents Just Made their Biggest Stand
Supreme Court Faces Historic New Case – Patriotic Parents Just Made their Biggest Stand

Parents have been forced to defend their children in a place where people expect children to be protected. As leftist control overcomes the culture, parents must stay vigilant in knowing who is controlling the future of their children.

School boards, once vaulted institutions that worked for the betterment of children, are rapidly morphing into reeducation institutions that violate the rights of parents. The ones suffering from this radical leftist transformation are the children who need to be educated and not indoctrinated.

Education officials are readily working against parents by instituting rules that don’t let parents know how their children are being treated in school. The efforts by the leftists to strip parents of their right to know are now a legal fight headed to the highest court in the nation.

From The Daily Wire:
A group of Wisconsin parents is asking the Supreme Court to intervene in their effort to overturn a district policy that allows parents to be kept in the dark if their child decides to identify as transgender.

The parents want the Supreme Court to recognize that they have standing to challenge an Eau Claire Area School District policy that does not require parents to be notified if their child decides to change names/pronouns or start using opposite-sex facilities. Represented by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) and America First Legal, the parents asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday in a petition for writ of certiorari to allow it to challenge the Eau Claire policy.

“Thousands of school districts across our country have these policies,” WILL Deputy Attorney Luke Berg said in a statement obtained by The Daily Wire. “If parents cannot challenge them until after their children are harmed, they have no way to protect their kids other than pulling them from public school.”

A lower court has already oppressed the parents’ rights by saying they lacked standing in the case because none of their children had yet been harmed by the policy. That leftist thinking perpetuates the unsafe environment the parents are fighting.

The parents argued that their First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights have been infringed. They also claim their parental rights to make decisions about the care, custody, and control of their children have been violated by the policy.

“When a school district adopts an explicit policy to usurp parental decision-making authority over a major health-related decision—and to conceal this from the parents—parents who are subject to such a policy have standing to challenge it,” the Wednesday legal filing from WILL said.

The radical ideologists in the school district claim the goal of the policy is to get the parents on board with a policy that allows a child to change their identity without parental consent. That sounds more like forced indoctrination than a helpful rule.

The lawsuit hammered the legal ruling that creates a scenario where “parents are powerless to challenge that policy until after their children have been harmed by it.” This is a case the high court should take up and squash the lower court’s ruling as leftist legal maneuvering that abuses parents’ rights.

This case is an example of how parents across the country are stepping up and fighting back against liberal oppression in school systems. Parents want full control of their children’s welfare and are pushing for more transparency in how school officials control their children. Any major decision, such as the so-called “gender transition,” should never be hidden from parents.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parents call on U.S. Supreme Court to overrule lower court decision against their rights.
  • The lawsuit argued that parents have the right to decide on any transgender issues.
  • The school board is trying to hide a child’s “gender transition” decisions from parents.

Source: The Daily Wire

June 7, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.