GOP Scores Massive D.C. Victory – Major Pro-Trump Candidate Just Left Liberals Speechless
By Mick Farthing|November 22, 2023
GOP Scores Massive D.C. Victory – Major Pro-Trump Candidate Just Left Liberals Speechless

For years, Democrats like Joe Biden have attacked “MAGA Republicans.” They have claimed that Trump-supporting conservatives are a threat to our democracy.

Liberals have claimed that Republicans who back the former president cannot win elections.

But one such Republican was running in a special election to fill an empty House seat. She was running against a “moderate” Democrat, in a somewhat moderate district. This is what happened.

From Fox News:
Republican Celeste Maloy beat state Sen. Kathleen Riebe, a self-described moderate, to win Utah’s special election Tuesday night, filling the last remaining open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives…

As a candidate, Maloy touted her roots growing up in rural southern Utah, of which the district covers a vast portion, and has leaned into her support of former President Donald Trump, arguing the numerous ongoing prosecutions against him are politically motivated.

In a blow to the left’s (and anti-Trumpers’) agenda, a pro-Trump Republican won a special election to fill a U.S. House seat. Utah Republican Celeste Maloy defeated state Sen. Kathleen Riebe. The Democrat had described herself as a “moderate,” perhaps to win over right-leaning voters in the district.

Maloy is an outspoken supporter of former President Trump. She has even suggested that the Democrat-led prosecutions of the man are politically motivated.

Democrats believed the district, formerly held by a Republican, was a “pickup opportunity” for the party. The sitting congressman resigned over his wife’s illness. Riebe claimed Utah voters were “ready for a change” and would vote for her, a former school teacher.

Instead, voters sided with a Republican and a Trump supporter. This will no doubt be used by Trump and his team. They will say this is a sign that the former president’s agenda still resonates with American voters.

This might also worry Democrats, who are trying to analyze this year’s elections for signs of 2024. Democrats scored several wins in off-cycle elections this fall. However, the states in question were blue states where they held an advantage (such as in Virginia).

But surprise victories for Republicans, such as in New York’s Long Island, are having Democrats very worried. Signs might be pointing to traditionally blue states moving to the right, as Biden’s policies (especially his reluctance to secure the border) are outraging liberal voters.

Meanwhile, this victory in Utah could mean that there are far fewer “pickup opportunities” for Democrats. If they think they will be able to flip traditionally red seats, they might have a harder time than they realize.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pro-Trump Republican Celeste Maloy defeated a Democrat for a House seat.
  • The special election was to fill a vacant seat in the House out of Utah.
  • Democrats believed this was a “pickup opportunity.”

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.