The mainstream media is so biased in the left’s favor that Democrats are not used to things going wrong for them when they’re interviewed by the typically fawning press. That’s why it had to have come as a major shock to the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) when she was dropped unceremoniously during a live TV interview.
Pelosi’s interview went off the rails while she was appearing on Global’s The News Agents podcast. This podcast is hosted by journalists Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall. After being asked what Kamala Harris needs to do to win the presidential election against Donald Trump, Pelosi attempted to lay out the “three M’s” that she feels the current vice president requires for victory.
Unfortunately for Pelosi, however, she could only get through “one M” before she was brutally cut off.
From Newsweek:
“See, I’m a former party chair—a long time ago, see, that’s how I was asked to run for Congress because I was the party chair in California. The three M’s—you must mobilize to own the ground. You must get out all of your vote.“Everything else is a conversation whether it’s social media, whether it’s TV, whether it’s mail, it’s all a conversation unless you turn out that vote of the people who are your supporters, who you have persuaded. You own…”
At this point, the line with Pelosi suddenly went dead, after which one of the hosts said: “As was crushingly inevitable there, we were always going to never hear the second or third of the M’s.”
Ouch, that has got to hurt for Nancy!
In case you’re curious, Pelosi has previously said that the “three Ms” are actually “message, mobilization, money.” She dropped this little tidbit of election strategy during one of her press conferences as Speaker back in 2018.
Pelosi Wasted Too Much Time Bashing Trump
Perhaps Pelosi would have gotten through all three Ms if she had spent a little less of this interview shamelessly bashing Trump. Her anti-Trump obsession was on full display when she described the former president as “beyond the pale of anything.”
“This is not like we’re running against Mitt Romney or George Bush, father or son. They’re patriots,” she said. “We have disagreements on the role of government…and that’s an appropriate disagreement to have.”
Oh please, Nancy.
Pelosi can rant and rave against Trump all she wants to. She can also falsely pretend that she has some kind of moral superiority over him.
In reality, Pelosi only despises Trump because unlike Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, he’s not a puppet for her and the rest of the Democrat establishment. If Trump wins the election, Pelosi will lose the control of the White House that she’s enjoyed for the past four years.
It’s likely that Pelosi being cut off in this podcast appearance was nothing more than a technical difficulty. That being said, it’s still fun to see an interview go wrong for her. If anyone deserves to get publicly knocked down a peg, it’s Nancy Pelosi!
Key Takeaways:
- Nancy Pelosi gets cut off mid-interview.
- Pelosi had been trying to lay out her “three Ms” that Harris needs to win.
- Pelosi had spent much of the interview shamelessly bashing Trump.
Source: Newsweek, News Agents Podcast