Soon after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, he was seen meeting with Mitt Romney. Rumors swirled that he was going to be Trump’s Secretary of State. But the outcry was so fierce, that Trump rejected that notion.
Romney went on to become a one-term senator who opposed Donald Trump at nearly every turn.
Now, Romney will soon be leaving office for good. He is leaving with a censure from his own state and a record of voting against President Trump in the Senate. But before he left, he gave Trump another recommendation. He is telling Trump who he should pick for his vice president running mate.
From Breitbart:
Retiring Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) endorsed Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) for vice president Sunday, contending the “media overreaction” she received following her highly scrutinized and oddly delivered State of the Union rebuttal “tells us who liberals most fear as VP nominee.”…Breitbart News’s Hannah Bleau Knudsen noted in her coverage of the rebuttal that, while Britt “appeared to address the right topics on paper, her speaking style and overall delivery completely failed to resonate, prompting critiques all across the board, as many mocked her breathy speech, full of pauses, hushed tones, and abrupt emotional switches from near-tears to happy-go-lucky.”
Outgoing Sen. Romney appeared to criticize Sen. Britt’s “over the top” rebuttal to Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech. But claimed that the media’s “overreaction” to her comments is proof that they fear her. Therefore, in Romney’s mind, she would be a good running for Donald Trump.
Is Romney joking? Is he trying to sabotage the Trump campaign? Conservatives as well as liberals criticized Britt’s performance. She hit Biden on the right issues but her style seemed to bother viewers.
It doesn’t seem that those in the MAGA camp are fans of Sen. Britt. Some had wanted Trump to deliver the GOP rebuttal. It is possible that they are still upset that the RNC chose a little-known senator with zero recognition among Americans to give the rebuttal.
Many names have come up when people discuss Trump’s running mate. Some believe he’ll pick a former rival, perhaps Ron DeSantis or Tim Scott. Others are hoping he chooses Gov. Kristi Noem, a popular leader. Nobody in their right mind thinks Britt is right for the job, especially after her performance.
Except Mitt Romney. Perhaps that’s all we need to know about him.
Key Takeaways:
- Outgoing Sen. Mitt Romney announced Katie Britt should be Trump’s running mate.
- Britt has been criticized for her poor performance giving the GOP rebuttal.
- Romney is considered a RINO and an enemy of Trump.
Source: Breitbart