Megachurch Shooter’s Closet Swings Wide Open – No Wonder the Media Just Went Silent
Megachurch Shooter’s Closet Swings Wide Open – No Wonder the Media Just Went Silent

Article states that the shooter might be trans. While initial reports were speculating this, it has since been found that the reason the shooter had used both male and female names previously was because of alleged identity theft.

Over the weekend, the country was shocked as another shooting took place in a church. This time, it was in the internationally-known Houston church, Lakewood Church. According to reports, a woman entered the lobby of the building and opened fire.

Thanks to the quick actions of two off-duty police officers, the shooter was quickly killed. But she did leave behind a critically injured child and one injured adult man.

Police quickly investigated the shooter. We could expect the media to be eager to use this situation as more reason to promote liberals’ gun control narrative (even though two good guys with guns saved the day). But once the police released details about the shooter, the press went silent.

From Daily Mail:
A Texas woman who opened fire at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church was accused of being a schizophrenic with Munchausen-by-proxy – but was still able to legally purchase the AR-15 she used…

They also revealed they found anti-Semitic writings and that Moreno appeared to have issues with Jewish relatives…

Moreno used several identities under both genders and it’s unclear what gender she identified as.

Reports are coming out about the woman responsible for a shooting at Lakewood Church. According to police, she was a schizophrenic with a history of drug charges. Since 2005, she had a long history of criminal charges, including assault, weapons, and marijuana possession.

Despite this, she was able to legally obtain the AR-15 she used in the attack. In addition to this, it appears the woman held anti-Semitic views. One report indicates she had a sticker on her weapons that read “Palestine.”

It is likely the liberal media, as well as Democrat politicians, wanted to use this incident to push gun control. A shooter attacking a well-known, Christian church? The Twitter posts would write themselves.

But the fact she legally obtained the gun hurts the gun control narrative. Even with strict measures in place, she was able to get a gun. The fact she might have been a transgender further hurts the left’s narrative.

In recent years, trans-identifying people have been responsible for shootings, especially targeting Christian groups. The narrative emerging from this shooting suggests mental health played a huge role in the woman’s decision to target Lakewood.

Yet Democrats routinely ignore mental health as a part of the gun violence problem. Calls by Republicans to increase focus on mental health—as well as defending sensitive locations—have been rejected by liberals.

Key Takeaways:

  • The woman behind the Lakewood shooting had a history of mental illness.
  • She allegedly held anti-Semitic views and might have been transgender.
  • According to reports, she legally obtained her weapons, despite a history of criminal charges.

Source: Daily Mail

February 13, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.