Top California Newspaper Snubs Harris, Refuses to Endorse Democrat for 1st Time in Decades
Top California Newspaper Snubs Harris, Refuses to Endorse Democrat for 1st Time in Decades

When it comes to trust in the media, things are looking pretty grim. According to a Pew Research Center poll, a whopping 75% of Americans believe that news outlets favor one political side over the other. And spoiler alert—it’s usually the left. From constant critiques of conservative policies to sympathetic coverage of left-leaning causes, it’s no wonder most folks think the media is in the tank for liberals.

Even outlets like CNN and The New York Times, which once prided themselves on being neutral, have faced accusations of bias, especially during hot-button issues like COVID lockdowns or racial justice protests.

Examples aren’t hard to find. Remember when MSNBC was practically glued to Obama’s hip, calling him “presidential,” while slamming Trump’s every move as “dangerous” or “unprecedented”? Or when The Washington Post ran glowing pieces on Hillary Clinton while downplaying the DNC email scandal?

Yeah, not exactly subtle. It’s gotten to the point where many Americans just don’t trust the news anymore. And that’s a problem—especially when it comes to political campaigns.

From The Post Millennial:
The Los Angeles Times will not be endorsing a candidate for the 2024 election after endorsing a Democratic presidential candidate in every election since 2008.

According to a report from Semafor, the owner of the LA Times has blocked the outlet from endorsing a candidate this year. The LA Times editorial board published its endorsements for the 2024 election cycle last week, however, an endorsement for president was not a part of it.

But Wait, They’re Turning on Kamala?

Here’s where things get interesting. You’d think that, given the media’s supposed leftward tilt, they’d be rolling out the red carpet for Vice President Kamala Harris as she gears up for 2024. But nope, that’s not exactly happening.

Even the big-name outlets that usually play nice with Democrats have been throwing some shade her way. You’ve got Politico running pieces about how she’s “struggling to connect,” and The New York Times casually mentioning how she’s been “absent from the spotlight” at crucial moments.

Then there’s the real kicker—the Los Angeles Times isn’t endorsing anyone for president in 2024. And trust me, that’s a big deal. This is the same paper that has endorsed Democrats in every presidential election since 2008.

Obama? They loved him. Hillary? She got the nod, too. Biden? Of course. But now, all of a sudden, they’re sitting this one out. Why? Well, let’s dive into it because there’s more to this than meets the eye.

The LA Times Breaks Tradition

In a jaw-dropping twist, the Los Angeles Times has decided not to endorse a candidate for the 2024 presidential election. This is huge, especially since the paper has backed Democratic candidates consistently for over a decade.

According to a report by Semafor, the LA Times editorial board was all set to endorse another Democrat—likely Kamala Harris. But at the last minute, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the paper’s billionaire owner, stepped in and blocked the endorsement.

Let me get this straight—Soon-Shiong, a guy who made his billions in healthcare, said, “Nope, we’re not picking sides this time.” That’s pretty shocking, especially given how the LA Times has been a loyal Democratic mouthpiece for years. Back in 2020, Soon-Shiong even shot down an effort to endorse Elizabeth Warren, only to have the paper turn around and back Joe Biden in the general election.

The LA Times hasn’t explained why they’re taking a pass this time, but it’s clear they were set to back Harris. After all, Harris is California’s homegrown candidate, and the paper has long had a soft spot for local Democrats.

But instead, they left their readers hanging, saying they only endorse “the most consequential races.” Well, what’s more consequential than the presidency?

What’s Really Going On?

There’s a lot to unpack here. First, we’ve got a major media outlet breaking with tradition. From the mid-1970s until 2008, the LA Times didn’t endorse anyone for president, sticking with that whole “neutral journalist” thing.

Then they switched gears and went all-in for Obama. Since then, it’s been blue all the way… until now.

The fact that they aren’t endorsing a Democrat this year is telling. Is it because Kamala Harris’s campaign has struggled to gain momentum? Is the media finally waking up to the fact that playing favorites is a losing game?

Or is this a sign of deeper dissatisfaction within the Democratic ranks? Maybe the LA Times owner just doesn’t think Harris can win.

Whatever the reason, this move is significant. It signals that even traditionally left-leaning institutions are starting to think twice about who they back. And for Kamala Harris, that’s got to sting.

Key Takeaways

  • Americans don’t trust the media. A large majority believe it’s biased in favor of liberals, and they’re not wrong—examples are everywhere.
  • Kamala Harris is not getting the red-carpet treatment many expected, which could spell trouble for her campaign.
  • After endorsing Democrats for over a decade, the LA Times decided not to back anyone for president this time around. That’s a bombshell in itself.

Source: The Post Millennial

October 23, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.