Ever since the 2020 Election, Democrats have spread the narrative that Trump staged an “insurrection.” They even conducted an investigation in the House, spending millions of tax dollars to prove their foregone conclusions.
Democrats across the country have tried to stop Trump from running this year, claiming he was not eligible.
All of this rests on the claim that Trump instigated the Capitol Building chaos on January 6th. He maintains his innocence and has even said he tried to protect the city with a critical order. As it turns out, Democrats—along with Liz Cheney—knew Trump was telling the truth. But they hid the proof.
From The Post Millennial:
Transcripts of an interview with President Trump’s former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato have been released, which provide evidence that the former president took steps to bring 10,000 troops to Washington DC on J6 to protect the capital. The evidence has never been released by former Rep. and January 6 Select Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney and the J6 Select Committee even though Cheney was present for the interview.
An interview by Trump’s former Deputy Chief of Staff has been released. Ornato revealed during his interview with J6 investigators that Trump ordered 10,000 National Guard troops to restore order to Washington. This confirms what Meadows and others have said, that Trump was offering resources to protect the city.
Yet, Republican Liz Cheney, who was the vice chair of Pelosi’s J6 committee, did not release this interview to the public. She and the others knew that Trump ordered these troops, but did not acknowledge it. Critics are accusing her and Democrats of deliberately hiding this information because it contradicted their claims.
If Trump wanted 10,000 troops to secure the city, wouldn’t that disprove claims that he was behind the Capitol Building kerfuffle? Democrats have made outrageous claims that Trump sent his supporters to overthrow Congress to stop them from certifying the 2020 Election.
But if Trump actually tried to restore order, going as far as to call up the National Guard, then Democrats’ claims make no sense.
Could it be that Liz Cheney went out of her way to lie to America—to prop up the left’s false narrative?
Key Takeaways:
- A newly released interview confirms that Trump ordered 10,000 National Guard troops on January 6.
- Liz Cheney refused to release this interview, as it contradicted the Democrats’ claims against Trump.
- Critics accuse Cheney and Democrats of lying to the country over J6.
Source: The Post Millennial