Kamala Criticized for Fashion Hypocrisy, Wears $62K Necklace to the Border
By Mick Farthing|September 30, 2024
Kamala Criticized for Fashion Hypocrisy, Wears $62K Necklace to the Border

Vice President Kamala Harris is no stranger to grandstanding, but her latest attempt to connect with everyday Americans is nothing short of laughable. For someone who’s spent her life in the privileged circles of wealth and power, Harris has made a career out of pretending to understand the struggles of working-class people.

Born into a wealthy family and educated at some of the finest institutions, Harris has consistently painted herself as a champion of the common man while her actions say otherwise. Whether it’s posing for photos or offering up empty rhetoric, Harris seems more concerned with maintaining her image than actually addressing the issues plaguing struggling Americans.

Despite her constant claims of fighting for the middle class, Harris has shown little interest in the real challenges that most Americans face. Inflation is rising, people are struggling to make ends meet, and the southern border remains a disaster.

Yet, Harris is more interested in attending elite galas and jet-setting with the political elite than rolling up her sleeves to help. While she loves to lecture about equity and justice, her luxurious lifestyle and political posturing make it clear that she is far removed from the hardships experienced by the average American.

From The Post Millennial:
Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris was spotted making an extremely rare appearance at the southern border on Friday as she seemingly remembered she was once tasked by President Joe Biden with dealing with border security and illegal immigration. Harris went to the Arizona border town of Douglas to pose with some US Customs and Border Protection agents, the New York Post reported.

Harris was well turned-out, wearing stylish sunglasses and a necklace that looked like it came from the legendary jewelry cases of Tiffany & Co. If so, the bauble is worth a cool $62,000.

Harris’ Rare Southern Border Visit: A Stylish Photo Op

In a rare appearance that had many wondering if she finally remembered her job, Kamala Harris made a visit to the southern border last Friday. The Arizona border town of Douglas served as the backdrop for this long-overdue visit, where Harris posed with Customs and Border Protection agents as if she had been actively dealing with the crisis all along.

Sporting a pair of expensive sunglasses and a necklace that appeared straight out of the Tiffany & Co. catalog, she seemed more interested in looking fashionable than addressing the serious issues at hand.

The necklace, estimated to be worth $62,000, was an odd choice for someone trying to convince Americans that she cares about their economic struggles. One critic on X (formerly known as Twitter) nailed it: “Dems decided to send Kamala Harris out in a $62,000 Tiffany necklace to reassure the middle class that she and the corpse we just saw wheeze through a debate have their best interests at heart!”

Another observer pointed out the absurdity of Harris wearing such a pricey accessory while preaching about her “middle-class upbringing.” It’s hard to take her seriously when her idea of “in touch” with the average person involves flaunting wealth that most people will never come close to seeing.

Ignoring the Border Crisis—Again

Of course, Harris’s visit was less about solving problems and more about optics. She posed for photos and delivered some vague promises about fixing “our broken immigration system.” What she didn’t do was acknowledge the real damage that has occurred under the Biden-Harris administration.

Since being tasked with managing border security in 2021, Harris has all but ignored the spiraling crisis. Illegal immigration has surged, with millions crossing the border unchecked, including thousands of criminals. But none of this seemed to make it into her scripted talking points.

The numbers speak for themselves. As of July 2024, 13,000 convicted murderers and over 435,000 other criminals have entered the country illegally. Yet, Harris, in her infinite wisdom, didn’t see fit to address these alarming statistics during her visit. Instead, she used the opportunity to criticize Donald Trump, accusing him of “fanning the flames of fear and division” over the border crisis. This, of course, after years of inaction and failure on her own part.

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) wasn’t fooled by her appearance, dismissing the visit as nothing more than a political “photo op.” After all, Harris hadn’t set foot near the border since her 2021 visit when she was appointed as Biden’s “border czar.” The NBPC made it clear that her stop in Arizona did little to solve the ongoing crisis and only served to further prove her detachment from the real problems facing the country.

Empty Promises, No Solutions

While Kamala Harris loves to talk about fixing the system, her actions consistently tell a different story. Whether she’s ignoring the border crisis or donning a $62,000 necklace to pose with border agents, it’s clear that Harris is more focused on appearances than solutions.

Her rare visit to the southern border wasn’t about fixing the issues or helping struggling Americans. It was about maintaining the illusion that she’s in touch with the average voter while continuing to live a life of privilege far removed from the realities of everyday life.

The real question is, how much longer will Americans tolerate these empty gestures from their leaders? Harris, like many in Washington, seems to think that flashy photo ops and hollow promises are enough to keep people satisfied. But with inflation rising, the border in chaos, and the economy faltering,

Americans are starting to see through the charade. Kamala Harris can wear all the expensive jewelry she wants, but it won’t make her any more relatable to the people she claims to represent.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris tries to relate to regular Americans despite her privileged background and wealth.
  • She made a rare visit to the southern border wearing a $62,000 Tiffany necklace, sparking criticism for being out of touch.
  • Her visit was seen as a political “photo op” rather than a serious attempt to address the ongoing border crisis.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.