Kamala Turns Heads with Shock Election Response – Her 4-Word Answer Has Americans Calling Foul
By Mick Farthing|September 12, 2023
Kamala Turns Heads with Shock Election Response – Her 4-Word Answer Has Americans Calling Foul

What’s Happening:

Americans were surprised when Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate. And, we are still confused. Harris, a little-known senator from deeply blue California, appears to be in over her head as Joe.

She is best known for her “word salads” where she struggles to finish a complete thought. Recently, she was asked about the upcoming election. The reporter asked her a pretty straightforward question about Donald Trump and his campaign. But Kamala’s answer has stunned many Americans.

From Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris appeared stunned by a question from CBS host Margaret Brennan, who wondered if she was taking the possibility of another Donald Trump presidency “seriously enough.”

Harris looked taken aback, pausing before responding, “I don’t understand the question.”

Um… what? CBS’s Margaret Brennan asked Kamala is she wasn’t taking Trump’s candidacy “seriously enough.” Trump is leading in the GOP primaries. And many polls have him beating Joe Biden in 2024, outside the margin of error.

There is good reason for Democrats to be very worried. Millions of Americans blame Biden for the problems America is facing. Many Americans don’t even believe he is a legitimate president. Yet when the host asked Kamala about Trump… she said she didn’t understand the question.

There really isn’t much to understand. Trump has a good chance of winning the election. Depending on who you ask, he has a better chance of winning than Biden does. Yet Kamala looks confused, like a frozen computer screen, when asked about this.

This doesn’t help convince Americans Kamala is fit for her job… or any other job in government. The woman is known for making gaffes as bad as Biden himself. But she can’t blame advanced age for her incomprehensible statements.

Many think she is woefully unqualified to serve in government. Her bizarre response could be the result of Kamala being caught off guard. The woman was probably coached by her handlers on how to respond to most of Brennan’s questions. But this must have been a curveball.

And, instead of thinking about it and giving a reasonable response, Kamala breaks down.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris stumbles on a question about Trump’s return to office.
  • The Democrat claims she didn’t “understand the question.”
  • Harris is notorious for making confusing statements and her “word salads.”

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.