Hillary Clinton Advocates for Mass Censorship, Calls for Social Networks to “Control” Free Speech
By Mick Farthing|October 7, 2024
Hillary Clinton Advocates for Mass Censorship, Calls for Social Networks to “Control” Free Speech

Hillary Clinton has always been obsessed with one thing: giving the government more control. For decades, she has pushed for bigger and more powerful government institutions, insisting that the federal government knows what’s best for the American people.

Whether it’s healthcare, education, or business regulations, Clinton believes that the only way to solve America’s problems is by taking more power away from individuals and putting it into the hands of bureaucrats. It’s a dangerous vision that ignores personal freedoms and places too much trust in an overreaching government.

Her track record is clear. From her attempts at universal healthcare in the 1990s to her staunch defense of regulatory overreach, Clinton’s policies always lean toward one outcome: more government, less liberty. She seems determined to build a system where Washington, D.C., controls everything—where free markets and personal responsibility are replaced with government mandates and top-down control. But Americans don’t want that.

They want freedom, they want choice, and they want to make decisions for themselves without Hillary Clinton or her allies dictating how they should live.

From Fox News:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.”

Clinton told CNN host Michael Smerconish that while there have been some steps taken at the state level to regulate social media, she wants to see more done by the federal government to moderate content.

Clinton’s Latest Attack on Free Speech

Now, Clinton has gone even further. In a recent interview, she pushed for something so insane and deranged that it’s hard to believe she said it out loud. Hillary Clinton wants to strip away the First Amendment rights of every American who dares to speak out online.

She is demanding that social media companies “moderate” content or risk losing what she calls “total control.” Think about that. Hillary Clinton is openly advocating for the government to have the power to control what you see, hear, and say online.

This is madness. It’s a complete assault on free speech. What Clinton is proposing is not just dangerous—it’s tyrannical. She wants the federal government to decide what is acceptable for Americans to read and discuss. Her calls to repeal Section 230, which protects online platforms from being held liable for user-generated content, are nothing more than a thinly veiled effort to crush dissenting voices.

If Clinton gets her way, social media companies will be forced to censor anything that goes against the liberal agenda, all in the name of “control.”

A Power Grab Disguised as “Safety”

Clinton claims this is about protecting children and society from harmful content, but make no mistake—this is about power. She has made it clear that she wants platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to be held responsible for every post, comment, or video shared on their sites.

What she’s really advocating for is a system where the government can silence any opposition. She doesn’t want a free marketplace of ideas. She wants total control over the narrative.

By torching the First Amendment, Clinton and her liberal allies would have the ultimate weapon to suppress conservative voices. Imagine a world where only approved opinions are allowed on social media. If you disagree with the government’s stance on taxes, immigration, or climate change?

Too bad—your post could be deleted, and your account could be banned. This is the dystopian world Hillary Clinton envisions, and she is dangerously close to making it a reality.

Destroying the First Amendment

Clinton’s demand that we repeal Section 230 is a direct threat to freedom of speech. This law was designed to protect open dialogue on the internet. Without it, every platform would have to scrutinize every word and image shared by its users.

And who will decide what content stays and what content goes? Clinton and her liberal elites. This is an unprecedented attack on the freedoms Americans hold dear.

It’s no coincidence that Clinton is making this push now, in an age where alternative viewpoints are flourishing online. She wants to shut down any opinion that doesn’t align with her big government vision.

This is how totalitarian regimes begin—by silencing opposition, one voice at a time. And Clinton is dangerously close to making this nightmare come true, all while claiming it’s for the “greater good.”

Control Over Your Mind

The most terrifying part of Clinton’s plan is her desire for complete control over the American mind. She isn’t just interested in regulating social media; she wants to control what people think.

Her deranged comments about losing “total control” if platforms don’t censor speech should send shivers down the spine of every freedom-loving American. Clinton’s vision is a world where you are not allowed to question the government and where dissenting voices are erased from the public square.

She doesn’t want an informed and free-thinking populace. She wants obedient followers. By advocating for these extreme measures, Clinton has shown her true colors—she is a liberal who will stop at nothing to increase the government’s grip on every aspect of American life.

From the content you consume online to the conversations you have with your neighbors, Clinton wants the government to have the final say.

Fighting Back Against Tyranny

We cannot allow this to happen. Americans must stand up against Hillary Clinton’s insane and dangerous ideas. We must defend the First Amendment at all costs, for it is the very foundation of our liberty.

The government has no right to control what we say, and no liberal politician, no matter how powerful, should be allowed to dictate what we can or cannot discuss online.

Clinton’s push for censorship is a blatant attempt to consolidate power and silence opposition. Her obsession with government control must be stopped. The future of free speech in America depends on it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hillary Clinton continues her push for a bigger government, seeking more control over Americans’ lives and freedoms.
  • She now advocates for repealing Section 230, demanding social media companies censor content or risk losing “total control.”
  • Clinton’s attack on free speech is a dangerous attempt to suppress conservative voices and take away First Amendment rights.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.