Top Republican Makes Move Against Palestine – This New Bill Would Deal a Massive Blow to Hamas
Top Republican Makes Move Against Palestine – This New Bill Would Deal a Massive Blow to Hamas

What’s Happening:

War in the Middle East appears to be intensifying as Israel steps up military action. Republicans in Congress want to take advantage of their new leadership position hit back against terrorists in the region.

With a new House speaker elected yesterday, GOP members can use their majority to move bills. A group of Republicans want to hit the terrorist group Hamas where it hurts. Every war needs money and without finances terrorists can’t act.

Republican Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles is working with a coalition of GOP representatives to push forward a bill that would keep U.S. funds from any Palestinian-controlled area of Judea and Samaria, as well as Gaza. Funds would be cut off under the bill until Hamas agrees to forever stop hostile acts toward Israel.

From the Daily Caller:
“It’s time for Congress to retake their pocketbook and stop any money that goes to a radicalized and evil nation,” Ogles said. “America does not negotiate with terrorists, and we should not give any money to their enablers.”

Ogles said that America must defend Israel, the Holy Land. The Jewish people there have suffered violent assaults, he said, and America must stop handing money to countries that continue to “intentionally wish death on God’s chosen people.”

The representative also called out the president who has forwarded American taxpayer dollars to the region despite it being controlled by terrorists.

“To make matters worse, Joe Biden has continued to funnel money to Palestine, which ends up in the hands of Jihadists,” Ogles said. “That must end today.”

Republicans point out in the bill that a one-state solution in support of Israel may be the solution to the conflict if Palestinian terrorists such as Hamas continue to fail to recognize Israel’s right to exist. The legislation calls for following the Taylor Force Act, a measure that prohibits sending Economic Support Funds to the Palestinian Authority – the reigning government in Palestine. Continuation of violence and hostilities against Israel would call for the act to be applied in full.

Since the initial Hamas attack a few weeks ago, more than 1,200 Israelis and almost three dozen Americans have been killed. Republicans noted that Hamas is a designated terrorist group that receives support from Iran.

Ogles was joined in introducing this bill by Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman, Texas Rep. Randy Weber, Tennessee Rep. Scott DesJarlais, Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, Illinois Rep. Mary Miller, and Alabama Rep. Barry Moore.

The bill comes coincides with Biden announcing that the United States will send $100 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza and the West Bank. Biden’s money giveaway follows reports that the United Nations claimed its fuel and medical supplies destined for Palestinian refugees were stolen by Hamas.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans plan to halt funds in an attempt to stop Middle East violence.
  • New bill from GOP members in the House targets funding for terrorists.
  • Biden’s money funnel to Palestine must “end today,” Republicans say.

Source: Daily Caller

October 26, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.