Federal Judge Drops Her Gavel on Biden – Puts the Screws on White House “Mafia Move”
By Mick Farthing|August 11, 2023
Federal Judge Drops Her Gavel on Biden – Puts the Screws on White House “Mafia Move”

What’s Happening:

Conservatives, for years, have accused social networks of censoring their free speech. So, we were not at all surprised when it came out that Democrats in the government were coercing companies to do just that. This anti-free speech agenda was ramped up under the Biden administration. In fact, a court ordered the White House not to communicate with social networks as punishment.

Naturally, Biden’s goons rushed to appeal. The case has been taken to the First U.S. Circuit of Appeals. Biden officials are arguing they have every right to contact social networks and tell them to take down “misinformation” and “disinformation.” But this federal judge did not share that sentiment. And she slammed Biden’s scheme.

From Just the News:

Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod declared in court that the Biden administration’s efforts to persuade social media companies to remove, throttle and suppress purported misinformation on COVID-19, Hunter Biden’s laptop and elections reminded her of a mafia movie…

…the 5th Circuit judges repeatedly cited specific conversations from the factual record that suggest social media companies feared legal consequences for not complying with White House and agency requests to censor or diminish the reach of websites or social media postings of which the Biden administration disapproved.

Wow. This doesn’t bode well for Biden’s attempts at controlling free speech online! Federal Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod hit the administration hard, saying its attempts at controlling social networks reminded her “of a mafia movie.”

She and other judges pointed to actual documents that revealed social networks feared legal retaliation if they did not comply with Biden’s demands. The White House used the DOJ, FBI, the State Department, and other powerful agencies to coerce social networks into censoring stories that were damaging to Joe.

We’ve long known that the government was doing this. Elon Musk released documents from Twitter that showed federal agencies often flagged posts they didn’t like, ordering social networks to take them down.

Now, the scandal is being fought out through the courts. What federal judges decide could be a powerful victory for free speech online. The appeals court could rule in such a way that prevents federal agencies from telling social networks what to do.

Chances are, Biden will appeal to the Supreme Court. The highest court in the land might be the final say in whether or not Democrats can tell you want you can or can’t say.

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal judge blasted the Biden administration’s scheme to control speech online.
  • Judge Elrod called the White House’s attempts to control social networks like a “mafia movie.”
  • The Biden administration is facing legal consequences for coercing social networks to censor Americans’ free speech.

Source: Just the News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.