Trump Has Perfectly Classy Response After Kamala Struggles to Say Three Nice Things About Him
Trump Has Perfectly Classy Response After Kamala Struggles to Say Three Nice Things About Him

Democrats and the mainstream media want you to believe that Donald Trump is a classless monster. The reality, however, could not be further from the truth. In fact, Trump frequently exhibits far more class than his Democrat counterparts do.

Trump showed this once again on Wednesday night during a Univision election special.

Last week, Kamala Harris showed her true colors when she could not come up with three nice things to say about Trump. When asked to say “three virtues” about the former president, Harris struggled before essentially saying that she couldn’t do it.

On Wednesday night, Trump was asked the same question. He initially laughed, describing this as being “a very hard question” and adding that he’s “not a fan” of Harris, who has “harmed our country horribly.”

From there, however, the classy Trump came out. Unlike Harris, he actually was able to come up with three nice things to say about his opponent.

From Fox News:
“…She seems to have an ability to survive,” Trump went on to tell the voter. “Because, you know, she was out of the race, and all of a sudden she’s running for president. That’s a great ability that some people have and some people don’t have.”

“She seems to have some pretty longtime friendships… I don’t call that an ability. I call that a good thing,” he continued. “And she seems to have a nice way about her. I mean, I like the way, you know, some of her statements, some of her- the way she behaves in a certain way. But in another way, I think it’s very bad for our country, very bad for our country. But she does seem to have some relationships that [are] lasting, and she does seem to be a survivor, because remember, she was the first one out, and all of sudden she’s running for president. And the other 21 people that are running, they’re sitting home watching her on television, right? So that’s by far the toughest question I’ve had today.”

Take some notes, Kamala, because that’s how this question should be answered!

With that answer, Trump was still able to criticize Harris’ policies without completely vilifying her as a human being. In contrast, Harris and her fellow Democrats have demonized Trump and his supporters so much so that they can’t even think of a few nice things to say about them anymore.

And they say that Trump is the one dividing America.

Instead, this just goes to show that it is the left who is really behind most of America’s divisions. Democrats like Harris can’t even put politics aside for one second to treat the other side like the human beings that they are. They’d rather live in their own liberal bubbles than come across someone who thinks even a little bit differently than they do.

Harris’ Answer To This Question

Harris’ answer to this question could not have been more different. She began by launching into a lengthy attack on Trump for his rhetoric, saying that it is not “healthy” for this country and that she doesn’t “admire” it.

After thinking about the question, Harris was able to offer one brief positive about Trump when she admitted that he loves his family. That was all that we were going to get out of her, however.

“But I don’t really know him, to be honest with you,” she bitterly concluded. “I only met him one time on the debate stage. I’d never met him before, so I don’t really have much more to offer you.”

The left doesn’t want voters to see any of Trump’s positive qualities, as they don’t want to humanize him in any way. They want voters to continue to see him as some kind of deranged boogeyman, rather than as an actual person. In their eyes, the same thing goes for Trump’s millions of supporters. No wonder our country is more divided than ever!

Democrats likely assumed that when Trump got this question, he would take the low road just like Harris did and use it to blast her. Instead, Trump went high and showed the world what a class act he really is.

In the end, this was just another win for Trump, and another fail for Harris!

October 17, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!