Leaked Docs Spill Out of Washington – New Biden Order Could Turn Election Upside Down
Leaked Docs Spill Out of Washington – New Biden Order Could Turn Election Upside Down

For millions of concerned Americans, election integrity remains the biggest concern heading into the presidential race of 2024. Many Republicans maintain that the system isn’t reliable, and even potentially manipulated by those in charge.

Now, the GOP is investigating the Biden administration for documents released by the Washington Examiner, which reveal that Biden’s team has met with left-wing activists.

And their agenda at that meeting was voter registration.

Biden issued an executive order back in 2021, and it said that federal agencies must create voter registration plans with “approved” outside groups. Republicans add that these groups will be “unlawfully weaponized” in November to help the Democrat cause.

Biden’s team swears this was a non-partisan move but the internal docs in question show that in July 2021, the White House planned a call that would appear to cater almost exclusively to left-wing organizations.

Said House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY):

President Biden’s EO is an overreach of the executive branch’s constitutional authority and disregards the Constitution’s federalist election system.

The states set the time, manner, and place of their own elections, and this EO must be looked at seriously.

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanie (R-NY) added that the internal meeting notes show more evidence:

That there was an “illegal coordination” between the Biden admin and liberal activists, in an effort to plan “election interference” in November.

Now, the GOP is increasingly concerned that this will undoubtedly take place, and it’ll artificially bolster Biden’s chances in the race.

Many lawmakers and conservative politicians argue that the order is unconstitutional and flies in the face of multiple federal laws, which includes the Antideficiency Act, which stops agencies from spending funds unless they’re approved by Congress.

In regards to the meeting in Washington, the notes – reviewed by the Examiner and obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project and Foundation for Government Accountability – show that many attendees from far-left groups talked about topics like registering illegal immigrants to vote.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) reacted strongly to these notes: “It’s all political in nature, and it’s totally wrong.

Based on the latest RealClearPolitics polling, Trump and Biden are virtually tied, though other surveys put Trump ahead by a slim margin.

And as we get closer to November, the concerns over election integrity are likely to increase, especially among Republicans who say the system is far from 100% reliable.

Source: Washington Examiner

May 7, 2024
Ben Dutka
Ben S. Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, and he has also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms. He has a penchant for writing, rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.
Ben S. Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, and he has also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms. He has a penchant for writing, rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.