Disney’s Woke Snow White in Serious Trouble – Insider Exposes the Real Reason Behind Delay
Disney’s Woke Snow White in Serious Trouble – Insider Exposes the Real Reason Behind Delay

What’s Happening:

Power players in the entertainment industry didn’t believe that radical leftist ideals won’t create new blockbuster releases. Folks who hold strong to American values aren’t interested in woke influences being interjected into their entertainment choices.

Hollywood has been hit hard by people not showing up for movies that studio executives deem groundbreaking as progressive promotions. Heavy-hitting Disney has been hit hard after it decided to prioritize woke ideals instead of paying attention to the people who pay the bills.

Disney recently held off on one of its biggest movie releases and is suffering from production costs that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Disney’s push for everyone to be woke is failing after it recently announced the delay of the debut for its “Snow White” remake. An insider reportedly revealed the company fears the film will be a “financial disaster” and damage future spinoffs, according to The Daily Wire.

Disney originally said the remake was delayed by a full year due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike. The remake reportedly has Disney on the hook for $330 million in production costs to date and it won’t be released until 2025.

“Disney had to delay ‘Snow White’ because they have spent so much money on it, and if it is a financial disaster at the box office, it might single handedly cripple future remakes and potential ‘Snow White’ sequels that they have planned,” an insider reported.

The remake of the classic story was tarnished early as the lead actress, Rachel Zegler, attacked the original story as promoting a “stalker” prince. Disney stepped into a snake pit of criticism with its casting. Backlash was fierce as Disney cast Latin actress Zegler as the maiden with “skin as white as snow.”

Zegler also slammed the original film by saying the remake, a live-action story, would have nothing in common with the “weird” original 1937 love story.

The story, which features seven dwarfs who help Snow White was attacked by popular actor Peter Dinklage. He raked Disney over the coals for attempting to remake the “f***ing backward” story about seven cave-dwelling dwarfs.

Disney went into a tailspin after all the backlash and announced it wanted to “avoid reinforcing stereotypes,” so “magical creatures” would replace the seven dwarves in the form of CGI-created characters.

The entire production was such a debacle that The Daily Wire’s kids entertainment company Bentkey announced it would produce an alternative to the woke Disney production. The Bentkey version is live-action and is titled “Snow White and the Evil Queen.” It is set for release in 2024 and stars YouTube sensation Brett Cooper in the lead role.

Key Takeaways:

  • Disney faces $330 million flop from the remake of “Snow White.”
  • The strike in Hollywood wasn’t the full reason to postpone the remake.
  • Disney moves release of the film to 2025 after backlash from fans and actors.

Source: The Daily Wire

November 3, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.