After Dems Try to Stop Trump’s 2024 Bid – The Donald Quickly Takes Action in Top Swing State
After Dems Try to Stop Trump’s 2024 Bid – The Donald Quickly Takes Action in Top Swing State

What’s Happening:

Democrats across the country are frantically trying everything they can to attack former President Donald Trump and eliminate him from the 2024 presidential race. From radical prosecutors to county clerks to state legislatures, are seeking any legal loophole to stop Trump.

There seems to be no end to these attacks with new efforts being reported almost every week. The problem for Trump and those who want to vote for him is that the fiercest attacks against him are popping up in swing states.

Michigan Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is using her position in an attempt to bar Trump from the primary and general election ballots next year by using the 14th Amendment. But Trump is firing back and has filed a lawsuit to stop this Democrat’s legal attack.

From The Daily Wire:
“Despite President Trump’s tremendous popularity, there are people who want to deny Michigan voters the opportunity to express their choice by voting for him,” the lawsuit said. “And they want to use this Court as a vehicle to do it.”

The lawsuit charges that the secretary of state appears to be violating her duties and attempting to exercise powers she does not have to keep President Trump’s name off of the ballot. Trump’s team wants the court to rule that Benson has no authority to remove Trump from the ballot and seeks an injunction to stop her.

Trump reportedly reached out to Benson for clarification about being on the ballot but didn’t get a response. This uncertainty, Trump’s lawyers said, causes problems on where to allocate resources. They said the situation is compounded because Benson is a member of the opposing major political party and she has negative views of Trump.

The 14th Amendment is being used in attempts to bar Trump from ballots. The argument focuses on an interpretation that Trump is ineligible because of section three of the 14th Amendment. This section would bar candidates from running for office who previously took an oath of office and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Similar complaints and legal arguments have been filed in Minnesota while Democrat-leaning opponents are starting to push the idea in Colorado. Trump has called the efforts election interference and has vowed to fight them.

“This is like a banana republic,” Trump told radio host Dan Bongino. “And what they’re doing is, it’s called election interference. … Now the 14th Amendment is just a continuation of that. It’s nonsense.”

Trump’s efforts to win against these legal attacks may well set the stage for a swing-state infused victory in 2024.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrats in swing states try novel legal attempt to bar Trump from ballots.
  • Trump haters cite a section of the 14th Amendment as reason to toss him.
  • Attackers should have known Trump would hit back hard with his lawyers.

Source: The Daily Wire

November 3, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.