Dems Rocked by Humiliating New Report – This Could Upend the Election!
Dems Rocked by Humiliating New Report – This Could Upend the Election!

Many voters pinned their hopes on Joe Biden in 2020. They assumed, it seems, that he couldn’t be much worse than Donald Trump.

They quickly found out the folly of their decision.

Biden is suffering the lowest approval of a president since Bush. But it looks like his shortcomings are hurting more than just his campaign.

From Zero Hedge:
A Gallup poll released on Friday reveals that a record low percentage of Americans who identify as Democrats in 2023 hit a record low, when independent ‘leaners’ are excluded…

Just 27% of Americans self-identify as Democrats, the smallest figure in the party’s history according to the survey…

Independents, meanwhile, take the cake – with 43% of Americans identifying as such.

According to a new poll, only 27% of Americans identify as Democrats, a record low for the party. A large number of voters, 43%, consider themselves independents, and it’s certainly possible this is due to Joe Biden’s continued struggles as president.

Biden entered office on the promise of doing a “better” job than Donald Trump. But since 2021, the country has been hit with numerous crises, including rampant inflation, the border crisis, and problems overseas.

Many Americans have expressed dissatisfaction with Biden’s presidency. Others fear Biden’s incompetence, brought on by perhaps cognitive decline, with further hurt the country and lead to global war.

But is this the reason the number of Democrats is dropping? That remains unclear. The report does not reveal if the number of registered Democrats has declined or if many have swapped parties.

This report could indicate, however, that many liberal-leaning voters will not support the Democratic Party come the 2024 Election. Candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might take votes away from Joe Biden, who needs every last liberal vote to survive.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll reveals only 27% of Americans consider themselves Democrats.
  • This is the lowest figure for the party in history, according to the survey.
  • Signs suggest this could be due to Joe Biden’s struggling presidency.

Source: Zero Hedge

January 15, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.