Democrat-Run City Nailed With Awful Report – You Won’t Believe How Much They Have Lost
By Mick Farthing|August 4, 2023
Democrat-Run City Nailed With Awful Report – You Won’t Believe How Much They Have Lost

What’s Happening:

So, for many years, we’ve told you about the Great Exodus. Many Americans, sick and tired of woke Democrats, have been fleeing blue cities and states. Some Democrat-run states have lost so many residents, they actually lost seats in Congress! COVID only sped up this “resorting.” And, as Democrats learn nothing from their failures, people continue to flee.

Some neighborhoods (like those in Los Angeles) are quickly becoming ghost towns. Homelessness, drug addiction, unchecked crime, and illegal immigration are driving Americans away. And they are taking their tax dollars and businesses with them. Perhaps the most woke city in America is Portland, OR. So many Americans have fled this sinkhole, that the county is in deep trouble.

From Fox News:

Multnomah County, where Portland, Oregon, is located, reportedly lost more than $1 billion in income between 2020 and 2021 as a result of residents fleeing the state amid surging crime, homelessness and safety concerns.

Data analysis conducted by Oregon Live showed that 14,257 tax filers and their dependents left Multnomah County during the first year of the pandemic in 2020 and took a record $1 billion of income with them.

WOW. Over 14,000 residents fled Multnomah Country, the county of Portland, Oregon, in 2020. Chances are, many more have fled since then. And with these families went their tax revenue, resulting in a record loss of $1 billion.

Those are numbers you can’t ignore. That loss of tax revenue could cripple the county. But they only have themselves to blame.

You might remember what was going on in Portland in the summer of 2020. Its pathetic mayor sat by idly while radical activists destroyed the city. For over 100 nights, they rioted, storming a federal courthouse.

The Democrats did little to restore law and order. While law-abiding citizens were forced into lockdown, criminals were allowed to roam free.

Tragically, the city was experiencing a 15-year record growth prior to 2020. All that changed when Democrats let Antifa and other anarchists run the show.

I’m sure Democrats will learn nothing from this. They will blame COVID and other things “out of their control.” But we know the score. No reasonable American wants to live in a community with rampant crime, homeless tents everywhere, illegal aliens taking jobs, and drug needles flooding the streets.

Not to mention riots for months straight.

But this is Democrats’ America in 2023. They encourage crime, homelessness, drug abuse, and illegal immigration. They put criminals back on the streets while they punish lawful citizens with crime, high taxes, and rising costs of living.

Key Takeaways:

  • Multnomah Country, Portland, Oregon’s county, has lost $1 billion in tax revenue.
  • Over 14,000 residents have fled since 2020, as crime and other problems skyrocket.
  • This comes as countless Americans flee blue states and cities.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.