Ex-Washington Chief Issues Dire Warning – ‘Something is Coming’ Claim Raises Alarms
Ex-Washington Chief Issues Dire Warning – ‘Something is Coming’ Claim Raises Alarms

Joe Biden has created the most chaotic border crisis that no one could have imagined when he first took office. More than 7 million people have flooded the country with little to no oversight from the U.S. government regarding where these people relocate.

The judicial system charged with processing, monitoring, and even convicting illegal immigrants is feckless at best and complicit at worse with Biden’s plans to repopulate the U.S. Tens of thousands of convicted criminals from other nations are now inside the country, and many have committed crimes against U.S. citizens.

And, according to one former Washington, D.C. insider, what happens next could be more disturbing than anyone could expect. Biden’s open border policy has attracted bac actors from around the world who want to cause destruction on U.S. soil.

From The Daily Wire:
Former acting ICE Director Tom Homan issued a dire warning late last week about the serious risk to U.S. national security caused by the historic number of illegal aliens entering the United States.

“Look, I said for a long time, something is coming,” Homan said, warning that an attack was likely to happen. “No one is going to convince me that a single person off the watchlist hasn’t entered this country and not been apprehended. We are at 370 or so already in the southern border alone.”

Homan cautioned that “large” sections of the U.S.-Mexico border are not actively monitored using high-tech equipment like drones and censors.

According to Homan, government officials don’t know how many thousands of people have walked right into the country in areas where authorities have no way to track illegal crossings. Estimates are that as many as 1.6 million “gotaways” have entered the country illegally.

Border officers have arrested many illegal aliens who are listed on the terrorist watchlist. This includes a person released into the country by Biden’s administration.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested in April an Afghan illegal alien on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. Reports surfaced before the arrest that border officials released him into the country nearly a year ago.

Mohammad Kharwin, 48, who illegally entered the U.S. through the southern border, “is a member of Hezb-e-Islami, or HIG, a political and paramilitary organization that the U.S. has designated a terrorist organization,” NBC News reported. U.S. officials describe Hezb-e-Islami, or “Party of Islam,” as a “virulently anti-Western insurgent group.”

Kharwin is free again thanks to a federal judge. He was released again by an immigration judge in the Biden administration’s Department of Justice—who was not told of his terrorist ties. He paid his $12,000 bond and was released, and there were “no restrictions on his movements” inside the U.S., NBC News reported.

This character is not the only bad actor who has roamed freely inside U.S. borders thanks to team Biden. An Islamic terrorist with al-Shabaab roamed the U.S. free for nearly a year after federal authorities caught him illegally crossing the southern border and then released him. He was later arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Al-Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department since March 2008. According to the Counter-Terrorism Guide for the Director of National Intelligence, “Since 2014 al-Shabaab has killed more US citizens than any other al Qa’ida affiliate, and as of 2022, was its wealthiest component.”

And Joe Biden keeps letting these terrorists walk right into the country and roam freely through U.S. neighborhoods. Homan has a sixth sense that something terrible is coming, and Biden seems intent on allowing more U.S. citizens to suffer because of his open-border policies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Former ICE director warned of an impending terror threat due to Biden’s open border crisis.
  • Tom Homan pointed to multiple terrorists arrested in the U.S. after Biden’s team set them free.
  • Homan said no one knows how many – maybe thousands – of terrorists have walked in illegally.

Source: The Daily Wire

June 8, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.