After California Fires Teacher for ‘Pronoun Violation’ – She Finally Gets Sweet Justice
After California Fires Teacher for ‘Pronoun Violation’ – She Finally Gets Sweet Justice

Progressive leftists who hold control over local institutions such as school districts have put into place policies and rules designed to censor the rights of Americans. The leftists don’t want any dissension in their world where they punish those who disagree with them.

Conservatives have been fighting back in a battle to preserve the rights afforded every American in the Constitution. When leftists get out of control it is important for principled citizens to stand against the abusive polices of the progressives.

California has been a hotbed where leftist ideology has been forced upon those who don’t want anything to do with it. A teacher in the state controlled by leftists defied the powers that be and took a stand for her religious freedoms. Now her former school district is paying the price for abusing her rights.

From The Daily Wire:
A Southern California school district is set to pay $360,000 to a teacher who was fired last year for refusing to follow the district’s transgender policies.

Jessica Tapia filed a wrongful termination lawsuit last year, accusing the Jurupa Unified School District of religious discrimination in firing her after she refused to comply with several of the district’s policies on trans-identifying students.

The district required teachers to use students’ desired pronouns, allow trans-identifying students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex, and barred them from expressing religious beliefs with students or on social media.

The leftists’ actions against the teacher will cost the school district $285,000 plus $75,000 more to cover her attorneys’ fees. This is a big win for freedom of religion and the freedom of speech, both constitutionally protected rights for Americans.

Tapia said in a statement that she would like to see teachers have the confidence to “educate in truth” and that it is worth for teachers to “take a stand for what is right.”

“Across the country, we are seeing teachers’ freedom of speech and religious liberty violated through policies that require them to forsake their morals,” Tapia said. “I want teachers to be confident in the fact that the best thing we can do for students is educate in truth, not deception.”

Tapia’s legal team with Advocates for Faith and Freedom celebrated the legal win against the school district.

“Today’s settlement serves as a reminder that religious freedom is protected, no matter
your career,” said Julianne Fleischer, legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. “If the school district’s actions were legal, no teacher of faith would be qualified to serve as a
public school teacher.”

The school district denied “any illegal action or discrimination” and said the settlement was not an admission of “fault or wrongdoing.”

Tapia and her legal firm have teamed up to launch “Teachers Don’t Lie.” This is a campaign to educate teachers about their constitutional rights and how to counteract actions of school districts that try to force them to act against their religious beliefs.

While some argue that Tapia should have continued until reaching a court ruling against the district, the settlement shows that school districts need to be mindful of how they treat teachers. An opposing viewpoint, whether it falls under freedom of religion or speech, should never be punished with the loss of a job by a public institution.

Key Takeaways:

  • A liberal school district in California agreed to pay $360,000 to a fired teacher.
  • Jessica Tapia was fired for daring to against the district’s transgender policy.
  • Tapia wanted to let all teachers know that it is worth it to take a stand.

Source: The Daily Wire

May 25, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.