Blue Cities Struck with Devastating News – Here’s Target’s Shock Reaction to Exploding Crime
By Mick Farthing|September 27, 2023
Blue Cities Struck with Devastating News – Here’s Target’s Shock Reaction to Exploding Crime

What’s Happening:

Democrat-run cities have faced heavy criticism over spikes in crime. Mass exoduses of residents are fleeing urban centers and relocating to small towns, rural communities, or conservative-run cities. Crime has become such a problem in major cities that police are all but powerless. They are simply warning residents to look out, essentially telling them that they are on their own.

The crime epidemic is hitting businesses the hardest. Both small businesses and national chains are struggling to stay open. Police are unable to stop shoplifters, so in some places, stores are being cleaned out by criminals.

A few companies have tried to implement measures to increase security and discourage crime. But now, one major company has given four cities very bad news.

From Just the News:
Target Corp. will next month close nine stores in four states, citing theft and concerns about the safety of employees and customers…

Stores will be closed in Harlem neighborhood of New York City, Portland, Seattle and the San Francisco Bay area…

“We cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests and contributing to unsustainable business performance,” the company said.

In a sharp indictment against Democrat-run cities, Target announced it will be closing nine stores in four states next month. The cities hit by the news are New York, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. This is no coincidence. These cities have suffered some of the worst increases in crime, in recent years.

Democrat mayors, city councils, and district attorneys have ceased to enforce various laws. Police budgets have been slashed, leading to a reduction of officers on staff. Shoplifting is no longer being prosecuted in some of these cities. That has led to what Target called “organized retail crime.”

In many places, gangs of criminals pull up to stores in cars. Because they are not being charged with theft under a certain price, they are free to loot stores as frequently as they like. Target reportedly tried to increase security and lock up valuable merchandise.

But without support from the police and the cities, crime continued. The company claims it is shutting down these stores out of concern for the safety of its employees. Ironically, by closing these stores they are hurting these employees even more–by depriving them of jobs.

Some might wonder why large corporations like Target aren’t pressuring cities and states to end the policies that are encouraging this crime. Major corporations spend billions to influence state and federal legislatures to pass bills that benefit them. Yet they are doing nothing, it seems, to address this crime epidemic.

Perhaps it is cheaper to close a store than to fight back. But how many stores can Target close, before they fail to be profitable?

Key Takeaways:

  • Target announced it will close nine stores in four cities, due to the crime epidemic.
  • The stores will be closed in NYC, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco.
  • The company blamed theft and “organized retail crime” for the reason for the closures.
  • This comes as major Democrat-run cities neglect an explosion in crime.

Source: Just the News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.