Bin Laden Survey Results Shock the Nation – This 1 Number Is Absolutely Terrifying
By Sean Kerrvin|December 30, 2023
Bin Laden Survey Results Shock the Nation – This 1 Number Is Absolutely Terrifying

More and more social media is being credited with the erosion of sensible society and endangering the future of younger generations. Young people immersed in social media have displayed an affinity to being influenced by people with a limited grasp of history and even reality.

Almost anyone can start spewing their opinions across social media platforms with little fear of being fact-checked. If an idea catches fire, it can go viral and influence the thinking of millions of people very quickly.

A recent survey of young Americans revealed shocking opinions from younger users. The survey asked users, “How would you describe your view of Osama Bin Laden?” Their responses terrified many Americans.

From Breitbart:
One in five young Americans has a positive view of al-Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden. The results show the growing disconnect between the reality of what occurred among those who were born after September 11, 2001, or were too young to remember.

The good news is that 81 percent of respondents said they have an at least somewhat negative view of the infamous terrorist behind the September 11 attacks on the United States. Of those, 76 percent have a “completely negative view.”

The bad news is that eight percent have an at least somewhat positive view, and of those, four percent have a “completely positive” view of Bin Laden. Breitbart reported that the results drastically shift when broken down by age groups, as 20 percent of those between the ages of 18-29 have an at least somewhat positive view of Bin Laden. Of those, eight percent have a “completely” positive view, compared to 52 percent who have an at least somewhat negative view.

The results revealed that younger age groups also have a “mix of positive and negative” feelings about the leader. The percentage of respondents with any level of positive attitude toward Bin Laden decreases among older Americans. The results were tallied by a J.L. Partners/Daily Mail survey.

Bin Laden was shot and killed in 2011 by United States Navy SEALs of SEAL Team Six after years of hunting the mastermind. The 9/11 attacks, which included toppling the Twin Towers in New York City, resulted in the death of 2,977 people with thousands more injured.

The survey highlights the power of social media influencing younger generations. Young Americans have gone viral on the Chinese-owned app TikTok, recirculating Bin Laden’s 2002 letter in which he attempted to justify the 9/11 attacks.

Young people are forming scary opinions about the United States. They appear to be touting a radical left version of history that is anti-American. This revisionist viewpoint claims that the United States was built by terrorizing people, and his view is being spread across social media.

“If you have read it, let me know if you are also going through an existential crisis in this very moment, because in the last 20 minutes, my entire viewpoint on the entire life I have believed, and I have lived, has changed,” one influencer claimed.

Many TikTokers are openly stating that the U.S. is just as bad as any terrorist and have equated recent world conflicts to U.S. actions.

“Put yourself in their shoes, 3,000 people died on 9/11, compared to the millions that Americans have killed in Palestine,” a young woman said.

These ideas fueled by the radical left were shot down by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), chair of the Select Committee on China.

“Well, these people are, of course, massive idiots,” Gallagher said. “So for someone on TikTok to suggest that this is America’s fault, or that bin Laden — who killed thousands of innocent Americans — was right, is absolutely disgusting.”

TikTok has claimed it is working to remove content like the Bin Laden letter and any content supporting any form of terrorism. Unfortunately, these social-media influencers seem to be way ahead of any TikTok content removal actions. False claims can spread like wildfire across social media.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new survey revealed 1 in 5 young Americans support Osama Bin Laden.
  • The survey exposed how young minds can be influenced by social media.
  • One TikTok user claimed Americans have killed millions in Palestine.

Source: Breitbart

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.