Biden Won This Swing State By 10 in 2020 – Now Look Where He Stands Against Trump
Biden Won This Swing State By 10 in 2020 – Now Look Where He Stands Against Trump

Joe Biden enjoyed some runaway wins in key states during the 2020 presidential election, which helped him slip into the White House. He and Democrats have maintained that the incumbent can win those states again going into the 2024 presidential race.

What Joe and the Democrats didn’t expect after all the attacks from the media and legal cases against Trump is the fact the former president has gained ground heading into the November vote. As Biden mumbled and stumbled in the public eye, Trump gained ground against the incumbent across voter demographics and in crucial swing states.

It is unlikely that Biden and his team expected to gain so much ground with voters, especially in states where Biden won going away in the last presidential cycle. Virginia is one of the most crucial swing states to win, and Biden has watched his 2020 standing with voters erode before his eyes.

From Fox News:
After winning the state by more than 10 points four years ago, President Biden finds himself in a tie with former President Donald Trump, according to a new Fox News survey of Virginia registered voters.

The poll, released Thursday, shows Biden and Trump with 48% each in a head-to-head matchup in the Old Dominion State.

A Democratic pollster warned that Biden faces a harsh reality if he can’t pull off a win in Virginia.

“Virginia is a must-win state for Biden, so a tight race here is going to require some serious defense from his campaign to hold it,” said Democratic pollster Chris Anderson. He conducted the poll with Republican Daron Shaw, and both agree Biden is still considered the favorite in Virginia.

“But the data here show a very competitive race,” said Shaw. “The map is clearly expanding in a way that creates more opportunities for Trump to get to 270 electoral votes and more holes in the dam that Biden has to plug if he’s going to return to the White House.”

Biden has been losing ground among crucial voter demographics with his slew of failed policies and an economy that is squeezing every dime out of Americans.

In 2020, Biden won Black voters by 81 points, compared to 48 points in the new survey. Trump nearly tripled his share among Black voters: 9% in 2020 to 25% today. Biden is leading among suburban women (58%) and college-educated voters (56%). Trump has maintained strong support from White evangelical Christians (80%), rural voters (63%), voters without a college degree (56%), and White voters (54%).

Trump weathered the guilty verdict in the New York hush-money trial by holding onto support among voters in Virginia. Two-thirds (66%) of Virginians say Trump’s conviction won’t matter to their vote, including just over half who say it won’t matter at all (51%).

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, the first Republican elected to the office since 2009, has maintained support among voters since taking office in 2022. He recently told the media that Virginia is “back in play” for Republicans and Trump.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll revealed that Biden and Trump are in a dead heat in Virginia.
  • Two-thirds of voters said Trump’s conviction won’t matter this November.
  • Trump gained voter support among traditionally Democrat voting blocs.

Source: Fox News

June 8, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.