President Biden Makes Shocking Admission – This ‘Joke’ Could Spell Gigantic Trouble for Joe
By Mick Farthing|June 27, 2023
President Biden Makes Shocking Admission – This ‘Joke’ Could Spell Gigantic Trouble for Joe

What’s Happening:

Many people think Joe Biden is dumb–but we didn’t think he was this dumb. At the moment, he is being investigated for conducting a $5 million bribery scheme while he was vice president. This is on top of allegations we’ve heard for years that he worked with his son to peddle influence to China and Ukraine.

Biden, arrogant as ever, doesn’t seem to think he’ll get nabbed for these crimes. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that his DOJ is trying to condemn Trump, his chief rival. So, we aren’t entirely surprised that he made this damning joke during a live event.

From The Post Millennial:

On Friday, President Biden joked that he “sold a lot of state secrets” during a meeting with Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India, whose comments were made as Biden is actively being accused of taking an illegal bribe from a Ukrainian official…

“Okay.  We — I was just thanking the — anyway, I started off without you, and I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared,” Biden said to Modi.

Wow, what a moron. Biden made a crass “joke” that he sold “a lot of state secrets” to the prime minister of India. Perhaps that was a jab at Trump, whom Biden’s DOJ is accusing of sharing secrets from the documents he kept at Mar-A-Largo.

If so, that only proves Biden is behind this witch hunt against the top man gunning for his job. At best, Biden is abusing his power to protect his re-election campaign.

At worst, he is making light of the very allegations he is being investigated over. House Republicans have seen documents alleging Biden sold influence while vice president with Ukraine and other countries.

Now, he is joking that he’s “sold state secrets” to foreign nations like India.

Considering how senile this man is becoming, it might not have been a joke! This could have been the admission of guilt we all know was coming.

Don’t think House Republicans will be taking this “joke” lightly. They have been hounding Biden for months, uncovering information that could lead to an impeachment. It might merely be a matter of days…

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden allegedly joked that he “sold a lot of state secrets” to foreign nations.
  • This comes as Republicans investigate him for conducting a bribery scheme while vice president.
  • Joe Biden and his son have long been connected to scandals and crimes.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.