Biden-Harris Betray Top Ally at the Hour of Their Greatest Need
Biden-Harris Betray Top Ally at the Hour of Their Greatest Need

The Biden-Harris administration has failed on the global stage again and again. Their foreign policy blunders have left the world more dangerous than it was before they took office. From the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal to their feeble responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, their incompetence has emboldened our enemies and left our allies questioning whether the U.S. can still be trusted.

The lack of leadership in this administration has made America look weak, creating a vacuum of power that hostile nations are only too happy to exploit.

As a result, international stability is at an all-time low. The Middle East is more volatile than ever. Russia is making land grabs, and China’s growing aggression threatens peace in Asia.

Under Biden and Harris, the United States has become unreliable, with our closest partners second-guessing whether they can depend on American leadership. This lack of confidence is eroding decades of trust, leaving the world less safe for everyone.

From The Post Millennial:
On Tuesday, the Biden-Harris administration threatened to restrict military aid to Israel unless it takes steps to improve what the White House called a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Pressuring Israel Amid Crisis

Now, the Biden-Harris administration is once again mishandling foreign relations, this time with Israel, one of our closest and most vital allies. On Tuesday, the administration issued a warning to Israel, threatening to restrict military aid unless Israel takes steps to address what they’re calling a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza.

This comes as Israel battles Hamas terrorists, the same group responsible for a brutal attack that killed over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped more than 250 others. Yet, rather than standing firmly with Israel, Biden and Harris are adding pressure at a critical time.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sent a letter to Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, expressing concerns about humanitarian aid reaching Gaza. The Biden administration insists that Israel’s vetting processes are slowing down aid efforts and contributing to worsening conditions.

It’s the same tone-deaf approach they’ve taken before—prioritizing optics over real security concerns. And it’s not the first time. A similar letter was sent back in April, showing that the administration’s priorities are more aligned with pleasing activists than protecting our ally.

While the Biden team has expressed concerns about Israel’s defensive actions, they remain blind to the reality on the ground. Hamas controls Gaza and routinely confiscates aid intended for civilians, using it to fuel their terror operations.

Yet, the administration seems more interested in virtue signaling than addressing the real issue: the safety and security of Israel.

Out of Touch with Reality

It gets worse. Not only did the Biden-Harris administration demand that Israel let 350 trucks of goods into Gaza daily, but they also asked Israel to cease operations in northern Gaza, a region controlled by Hamas. What’s more, they demanded that Israel stop attacking the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), an organization whose staff members were involved in the massacre of Israeli citizens during the October 7, 2023, terrorist attacks.

And while Israel fights for its survival, Vice President Kamala Harris has been pandering to pro-Hamas activists at rallies, telling them she’s committed to “respecting their voices.”

The hypocrisy is astounding. The Biden-Harris administration wants Israel to stop defending itself while providing humanitarian aid to terrorists. Meanwhile, Hamas continues to intercept the aid and use it for their own fighters, making the situation worse for innocent Palestinians and further destabilizing the region.

The administration’s actions not only undermine Israel’s efforts but also embolden Hamas and other terrorist organizations who see America’s weakness as an opportunity.

The message from Biden and Harris is clear: America’s allies can no longer rely on unwavering support, even in times of war. With these kinds of policies, they’re pushing Israel into a corner while ignoring the real threat—terrorism.

The administration is creating an environment where the enemies of democracy thrive, leaving our allies with no choice but to fend for themselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden-Harris administration has failed on the global stage, making the world a more dangerous place.
  • Instead of standing with Israel, Biden and Harris are applying pressure at a critical time, weakening America’s position with our closest ally.
  • The administration’s focus on humanitarian aid in Gaza ignores the reality of Hamas’ role in intercepting that aid, contributing to further instability.

Source: The Post Millennial

October 16, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.