Biden Suffers His Worst Gaffes Yet – Joe’s Latest Attempts to Prove Himself Blow Up in His Face
Biden Suffers His Worst Gaffes Yet – Joe’s Latest Attempts to Prove Himself Blow Up in His Face

Joe Biden’s presidency is like a never-ending fireworks show—but not the good kind. Concerns about his mental health exploded after his disastrous debate performance. The White House tried to sweep it away by claiming it was just an “off night,” but we all saw it.

More and more Americans believe Joe Biden is too old to be president. A mutiny appears to be growing among Democrats. But the liberal establishment is fighting back, refusing to abandon their presumptive nominee.

Trivia Question: What are the early symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? (Answer at the end of the article.)

Biden, however, seems undeterred and defiantly vowed to stay put during his Fourth of July remarks.

From The Hill:
President Biden said he’s “not going anywhere” and took a swipe at former President Trump during remarks before service members and military families who had gathered at the White House for a Fourth of July barbecue Thursday.

“I was in a World War I cemetery in France, and … the former president didn’t want to go and be up there. Which I probably shouldn’t have said,” Biden said during his remarks, prompting a murmur of laughter.

“Anyway, we gotta just remember who the hell we are. We’re the United States of America,” Biden continued.

Biden’s attempt at humor fell flat. He’s trying to slam Trump and remind everyone that he’s still in charge, but let’s be real—does anyone actually believe it? The guy can barely make it through a sentence without fumbling. He can take all the shots at Trump he wants; it’s not going to cover up his own shortcomings.

And then during Independence Day, Kamala and Joe teamed up for a double-gaffe.

From Twitter:
KAMALA: “We give thanks to our commander-in-chief, the vice— the president!”

BIDEN: “Ho, ho, ho!”

Kamala Harris’s cringe-worthy mix-up was just another layer of the clown show that is this administration. Biden’s awkward Christmas laugh didn’t help. Did Joe just forget which holiday we’re celebrating?

How are we supposed to take these people seriously when they can’t even get their titles right? It’s like watching a bad sitcom unfold on live TV.

And then, as if things couldn’t get any worse, Biden went full “Pudding Brain” mode.

From Twitter:
Pudding Brain accidentally revealed the code his handlers use to make him stay quiet to avoid losing more votes.

Biden: “One last thing, and I used to think when I was a senator, there were always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore. Now we go on the highway, there’s no congestion. And so what the way they get me to stop talking, they’ll say ‘we just shut down all the roads Mr. President. You’re gonna lose all the votes if you don’t get in’… anyway, I’ll be back out.”

There you have it, folks. Biden practically admitted that his handlers have to shut him up to prevent him from losing more votes. If that doesn’t scream “unfit for office,” I don’t know what does. This is the guy who’s supposed to be leading the free world? Yikes.

Despite all this, Biden insists he’s staying in the race. The pressure from his own party to step down is mounting, but he’s digging in his heels. With big donors starting to withhold funds, it’s hard to see how he can keep going. There’s a real possibility that if Biden doesn’t step down, the Democrats will face an internal civil war, with votes splintering off to RFK, Jr. and even Trump.

Democrats, including the liberal media, are trying to put a positive spin on this, but it’s a tough sell. Every time Biden opens his mouth, he makes it clear that he’s not up to the job. His gaffes aren’t just embarrassing; they’re dangerous. And yet, the Democratic establishment seems determined to keep him propped up.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Biden’s Fourth of July performance was another nail in the coffin of his already shaky presidency. The American people deserve better. We deserve a leader who can speak coherently, make decisions, and, most importantly, put the country first.

If Biden and his allies keep ignoring the writing on the wall, they’re going to drag the whole party down with them. The clock is ticking, and the Democrats need to decide whether they’re going to stick with a sinking ship or find someone who can lead the country and have a chance in November’s elections.

As Biden continues to fumble and falter, the calls for him to step aside will only grow louder. The American people are watching closely, and come November, they will make their voices heard. The future of the Democratic Party hangs in the balance, and at the moment, their handling of this situation is getting a solid F.

Key Takeaways:

  • President Biden insists he’s not stepping down despite growing concerns over his mental health.
  • Kamala Harris’s cringe-worthy gaffe and Biden’s awkward laugh further highlighted the administration’s issues.
  • Biden admitted that his handlers have to shut him up to prevent him from losing more votes.

Trivia Answer: Early symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease include memory loss, confusion, trouble with familiar tasks, and changes in personality.

Sources: The Hill, Twitter, Twitter

EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers, thank you for your continued support as we deliver real news and commentary during historic times in our nation. We have been covering concerns over Biden’s gaffes for years, even during the 2020 Presidential election, while the mainstream media and White House press corps completely dismissed those concerns until they could no longer ignore them. Do not forget the complicity most major media has participated in on behalf of Democrats in power. We hope the events of the past weeks have made clear who can be trusted—and who should not be trusted. Our publication will continue covering the most important news of the day and giving you our honest perspective.

July 5, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.