Biden Moves to Ban 1 Common Household Item – And Republicans Can’t Believe It
By Sean Kerrvin|August 1, 2023
Biden Moves to Ban 1 Common Household Item – And Republicans Can’t Believe It

What’s Happening:

Leftists and their Democrat flunkies can’t stand the fact that America was born free and deserves to live free from assault by government powers. They want every American to do as they say, when they say. Otherwise, you will pay the price for your disobedience.

Leftist champion President Joe Biden has used his power to promote the delusion that Americans will be better off by increasing their costs for daily living. Anything that “helps the climate” must be forced upon Americans no matter what it costs them.

Biden attacked gas stoves, then water heaters, and now he wants to leave Americans in the dark by taking away inexpensive household light bulbs.

Biden uses his weaponized federal agencies as legal bully bat to break Americans where he knows it will hurt them quickly. He doesn’t have to go through Congress, he just strokes his presidential pen and adds financial burdens to Americans.

From Fox News:

Under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) regulations, manufacturers and retailers will be prohibited from selling incandescent and similar halogen light bulbs (today) which represent a sizable share of current light bulb supplies. Instead, manufacturers and retailers must sell light-emitting diode, or LED, alternatives or risk substantial federal penalties.

Biden and the green dolts in D.C. love to claim that the light-bulb switch will save Americans “billions” of dollars on energy bills and remove “millions” of tons of carbon emissions from the environment. Those billions and millions don’t mean anything to someone living paycheck to paycheck working multiple jobs. People just want to come home and kick back beneath the light of an affordable light bulb. Or maybe replace a security light outside that deters crime after Democrats defunded the police everywhere.

Republicans called out the new regulation as a crazy, burdensome regulation that isn’t needed.

From Fox News:

“President Biden continues to push liberal fantasies through his weaponized federal agencies,” Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., added. “The Department of Energy should be focused on American energy independence, not on what light bulbs you can or can’t purchase for your home or business.”

People will make “energy efficient” decisions on their own if market pricing makes it worthwhile to them. Many Americans – mostly higher incomes – have adopted LED lighting, but the price just isn’t where it needs to be for the average person can afford. As Rep. Barr said, the DOE should work on the market end and let consumers change on their own.

From Fox News:

“We believe that further regulatory interference in the marketplace is unwarranted given that more energy efficient lighting choices, namely light-emitting diode bulbs, are already available for those consumers who prefer them over incandescent bulbs,” a coalition of free market and consumer groups opposed to incandescent bulb bans wrote in a comment letter to the DOE last year.

We couldn’t agree more. Biden needs to put his climate change pen back in the drawer and tell the DOE to get busy helping Americans not hurting them. Next thing you know ‘ole bonehead Biden will switch off the energy grid and have everyone using fire pits to cook food and wax candles to for household lighting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden unleashes new rule that places Americans in the dark.
  • Department of Energy now attacking sales of cheap light bulbs.
  • Republicans brand Biden’s assault on appliances as ‘fantasy.’

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.