Anti-Trump Judge Video Goes Viral in Seconds – You Won’t Believe What He Did Just Before Trial
By Mick Farthing|October 2, 2023
Anti-Trump Judge Video Goes Viral in Seconds – You Won’t Believe What He Did Just Before Trial

What’s Happening:

In the lead-up to the 2024 Election, Democrats have launched numerous lawsuits against former President Trump. Very few critics believe these cases are about the issues named. Most believe these trials are simply attempts at preventing Trump from winning in the upcoming election.

This week, Trump was required to appear in court for a lawsuit attacking his businesses. Democrats in New York have accused Trump of various corrupt business practices. Recently, the judge presiding over the case made a strange claim that Trump’s properties were much less than valued.

A hearing was held addressing this ruling. For a few moments, news cameras were in the room awaiting the start of the trial. But they were removed from the courtroom before proceedings began. Not before a camera caught a glimpse of the supposedly impartial judge.

From Trending Politics:
Television cameras were granted a spray of the trial room inside New York County Courthouse before proceedings began to appeal a ruling by Judge Engoron that supporters of the president say massively undervalued his Mar-a-Lago residence and other properties under the Trump real estate empire. Before a Fox News camera was ushered out, viewers caught a glimpse of AG James sitting several rows back from President Trump and giving a pensive expression. As the camera turned to Judge Engoron, he smiled smugly and shrugged to the audience, who could be heard chuckling.

News cameras caught a shot of Judge Engoron, who recently claimed Trump overvalued his numerous properties. Viewers caught a glimpse of this judge, who was smiling smugly before the courtroom.

The expression has convinced some viewers of the judge’s possible bias. Many legal critics have claimed Trump cannot get a fair trial in deeply Democrat New York. The district attorney’s office accused him of crimes before any investigations had started.

It is possible this judge holds a bias against the former president as well. Many suspect this, given his strange ruling against Trump’s properties. In one claim heavily challenged by Trump’s family, the judge stated Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18 million.

Some might wonder why a trial judge in New York thinks he is qualified to guess the value of properties in another state. Trump and his team are opposing this decision. But it is likely that the judge will not listen to this appeal.

It is possible that his legal team will take this matter to a high court, perhaps claiming this judge cannot rule fairly.

Key Takeaways:

  • A judge presiding over a Trump case appeared to show his bias in court.
  • A news camera caught Judge Engoron smiling smugly at the courtroom.
  • This judge had previously claimed Trump overvalued his multi-million dollar properties.

Source: Trending Politics

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.