What’s Happening:
A liberal news anchor received a strong response after stepping into hot water of her line of questioning. The anchor was interviewing a mother whose two sons were kidnapped in the attacks over the weekend that killed more than 1,000 unsuspecting Israelis.
Renana Gomeh’s two sons, ages 12 and 16, were taken from their beds when Hamas attacked Israel last Saturday. MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell interviewed Gomeh Monday night and asked a despicable question about the mother’s feelings.
The interview took place after Israel responded to the attacks with counterstrikes targeting the Gaza Strip. Mitchell referred to Israel’s defense of its people as “attacks against Gaza” and asked the grieving mother, “What are your feelings about the attacks against Gaza right now?” Here’s her blunt response.
From The Daily Wire:
“I can’t be sympathetic anymore. I can’t be sympathetic to animal human beings — well, they’re not really human beings — who came into my house, broke everything, stole everything, took my children from their bedrooms, and took them to the Gaza Strip,” Gomeh said.
Gomeh made it clear that she believed there is no “symmetry” in Israel’s military response to the unprovoked attacks by the Hamas against innocent civilians.
“If you were dealing with a war who is between two countries, countries don’t take children hostages,” Gomeh said. “It’s against the laws of war. It’s against humanity.”
According to reports, Hamas has killed more than 1,200 Israelis since the terror attack launched last Saturday. They have also taken at least 150 Israelis hostage into the Gaza Strip where they have threatened to film their executions.
Mitchell’s attempt to equate Israel’s self-defense response to the terrorists of Hamas is a common theme among MSNBC reporters and anchors. These liberal mainstream media personalities have criticized Israel and blamed the country for “inhumane treatment of the Palestinians who live under Israeli occupation.”
This level of characterization by liberal media appears to ignore the unprecedented level of atrocities committed and celebrated by Hamas.
Gomeh seems to have held up against the questioning from the liberal news anchor and called for Hamas to release the civilians they have taken hostage. The hostages include women and children. She made it clear there is no symmetry between how Israel responded to the attacks by Hamas.
“This is not the way a country behaves,” Gomeh said. “This is a way that a terror organization behaves.”
Key Takeaways:
- Liberal mainstream media anchor grills grieving Israeli mother.
- MSNBC host asked about “feelings” after Israel defends its people.
- Mother was grieving after her two sons were kidnapped from their home.
Source: The Daily Wire