Massive Migrant Caravan Reveals a Big Secret – Their Leader Delivers 4 Disturbing Words
Massive Migrant Caravan Reveals a Big Secret – Their Leader Delivers 4 Disturbing Words

What’s Happening:

Since Biden took office, millions of migrants have illegally entered the United States. From all appearances, the administration is only aiding this trend.

Recent reports only confirm claims by Republicans that Biden and Democrats want to encourage more illegal entry into the country.

All the “efforts” by the administration have done little to stop migrants from coming. Now, a massive caravan is only miles away from the U.S. border.

From Reuters:
A large migrant caravan comprising many Central Americans and Venezuelans left southern Mexico on Monday for the United States…

Officials in the southern state of Chiapas said some 3,500 people set off on foot from the city of Tapachula near the Guatemalan border, while one of the caravan’s organizers, Irineo Mujica, said there were around 5,000 in the group.

Yet again, a caravan of thousands is making its way to the U.S. border. By the time it reaches the country, it could be as large as ten thousand. Most of these caravans are made up of young, working-age men–not the families the media claims.

And one of these caravan organizers confessed to what is going on within South American countries.

From Fox News:
“This is not normal. This is being used by the countries to make sure they get what they want from the United States,” caravan organizer Irineo Mujica told Real America’s Voice on camera. “And Joe Biden has lost. I’m completely stunned. Where is the American intelligence? Don’t they know that all the countries are conspiring against the United States to make sure they have this crisis being made so that they can charge for that crisis?”

A caravan organizer revealed that Latin American countries are “conspiring” against the United States. He claimed that, due to Biden’s policies, these countries are “charging” over this crisis.

It is possible he is referring to the fact that the Biden administration has given South American countries millions of dollars to address the “root causes” of this migrant crisis. At the time, outlets like ours pointed out this would do nothing to end the caravans.

And, according to Irineo Mujica, these kinds of payments might be fueling the crisis. Mujica seemed to imply that these countries are making the crisis worse, so they can perhaps demand more money from the United States.

Mujica revealed this is the “worst” crisis he’s ever seen in nearly “70 years.” He even said Biden’s policies are “worse” than former President Trump’s. The Biden administration has not been able to stop the flood of illegal border crossers.

And many believe Biden is making it worse intentionally.

Key Takeaways:

  • Yet another migrant caravan of over 5,000 is heading toward the U.S. border.
  • Under Biden, over 4 million migrants have illegally entered the country.
  • One caravan organizer revealed that Latin American countries are fueling the crisis to “conspire” against the United States.

Source: Reuters, Fox News

November 2, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.