Blue City Mayor Makes 1 Insane Announcement – Then Furious Residents Immediately Revolt
By Mick Farthing|August 19, 2023
Blue City Mayor Makes 1 Insane Announcement – Then Furious Residents Immediately Revolt

What’s Happening:

Months ago, Republican states started sending migrants to blue cities. They were sick of Biden and Democrats refusing to help them address the border crisis. The goal was to convince Democrat mayors and governors to push Biden to secure our border. Instead, blue city mayors have burned through billions to house these illegal entrants. And with each passing day, more invaders are overwhelming these blue cities.

The solution is obvious: deport people who broke the law to enter the country. But obviously, these Democrats refuse to do that (and prove Donald Trump right). So, they keep putting this burden on the backs of American citizens. But all the hotels are full. And the streets are overrun with migrants. One mayor came up with a birdbrained “solution.” And this is how residents responded.

From Daily Wire:

Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center…

Multiple people were arrested during the protest, including former GOP mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa, who allegedly refused police orders to get out of the street where he and others were blocking traffic, according to The New York Post. Protesters displayed signs that read, “This is a national emergency! Close the border!;” “My tax $$$ being used to destroy my neighborhood;” and “Our children deserve a safe school.”

So now, New York Democrats are putting children in harm’s way by erecting a shelter for illegal immigrants right by a school. Hundreds of Queens residents protested the decision. How did the government respond? By arresting them.

Yeah, Democrats, you really are on the right side of history!

New York City has been devastated by the border crisis. Hundreds of thousands of aliens are bombarding the city. The mayor has refused to send them packing. Instead, he’s filled up the hotels–which many of these migrants reportedly destroyed.

Democrats are even mulling destroying Central Park by building a shanty town for migrants.

Hey, aren’t these migrants strong, hard-working people who just need a chance? Then why do they need special tent cities, hotel rooms, and shelters? Shouldn’t they just go out and find work–the same as anyone else?

The left’s argument in favor of an open border is rapidly falling apart. These aren’t innocent families, seeking a second chance. But economic refugees from Central America who were promised free handouts by immigration activists.

Biden knows this. Democrats know this. The only people they don’t want knowing, are you and me.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Yorkers protested a Queens shelter built to house illegal aliens.
  • The shelter was put right outside a public school.
  • Police arrested protesters, who criticized Democrats’ response to the border crisis.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.