This week, Special Counsel Hur testified before Congress. He was there to speak about his investigation into how Joe Biden kept classified documents from his time as vice president. Despite it being illegal to do so, Biden kept many documents in a private office and his home garage.
Despite this being about what Joe Biden did, Democrats couldn’t help make this about former President Donald Trump.
It is possible Democrats, fearing what might have come out during this hearing, wanted to distract American viewers. One Democrat in particular even tried to make unbelievable accusations against Trump. But the special counsel did not give him an inch.
From Daily Wire:
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) used up his time during a Tuesday hearing on Capitol Hill to lay out a case against former President Donald Trump…Swalwell behaved as though it was another Trump impeachment hearing and asked Hur to condemn the former president…
“I’m not here to talk about Trump; I’m here to talk about this report, which investigated Biden.”
Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell—who has been outed for an improper relationship with a Chinese spy—used his time during this hearing to slander former President Donald Trump.
The liberal disgracefully tried to use race to bait Special Counsel Hur into slandering Trump. He claimed Trump would “end” immigration, even legal immigration, hurting people like Hur’s parents.
Hur didn’t take the bait.
Swalwell went on to spew common Democrat attacks against Trump, listing a simply ridiculous list of accusations against the Republican. Then, he tried to get Hur to join him in dumping on the former president.
The Democrat tried to get Hur to say he wouldn’t work for Trump, should he get reelected. It seems Swalwell is very afraid Trump is going to return to the White House. Why else would he ask Hur this?
But Hur refused to speculate on the future. Three times Swalwell tried to goad Hur into slandering Trump. But the special counsel refused, stating that he was there to talk about the investigation into Biden’s actions.
It will no doubt come as a shock and disgust to many Americans to see what Swalwell tried to do. This hearing was about Joe Biden and his potentially criminal acts. Yet Swalwell came off as a petty partisan, who attacked a man who is not even in office—nor involved in this investigation.
Key Takeaways:
- Democrat Rep. Swalwell tried to get Special Counsel Hur to attack Donald Trump.
- Swalwell used a hearing about Joe Biden’s actions to slander the Republican.
- The special counsel refused to do so, sticking to the reason he was there.
Source: Daily Wire