After Biden Caught in Ridiculous Lie – White House Issues 1 Bogus Excuse
After Biden Caught in Ridiculous Lie – White House Issues 1 Bogus Excuse

Under Joe Biden, Americans have watched as the economy’s been flushed down the drain. Almost immediately upon entering office, Biden pushed policies that triggered runaway inflation. And he made it worse by shutting down our fossil fuel industry and spending trillions.

Yet, he told two outlets that inflation was at 9% when he entered office. Not once, but twice, he made this false claim.

Numerous liberal news outlets blasted him for this obvious falsehood. One of his top economic advisers was forced to comment on this lie. The White House aid scrambled to “fix” Joe’s claims. But he pushed yet another bogus claim.

From Breitbart:
On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein defended President Joe Biden’s repeated assertions that inflation was 9% by claiming that “the annual growth in core inflation in the second quarter of ’21 was, in fact, about 9%” and that Biden was making the point that “the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office.”…

Bernstein answered, “He’s making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office.”

Cavuto then cut in to ask, “No, that’s not what he said. He said it was at 9%. It would eventually get to 9% a little over a year after that. But the fact of the matter is it wasn’t 9%. So, if I can’t trust him quoting data in real-time, why should I believe what he’s talking about now?”

White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein tried to spin Biden’s like that inflation was at 9% when he entered office. Bernstein said Biden said that the “factors” for inflation were there when he entered office.

Fox Business host Neil Cavuto did not let him get away with that. He blasted Bernstein for trying to put words in Biden’s mouth. Twice, once to CNN and another time to Yahoo Finance, Biden claimed inflation was at 9% when he entered office—blaming Donald Trump.

Inflation was a low 1.9% when Biden entered office. It started to rise quickly once he started pushing his leftist agenda. And in June 2022, it reached a record 9%.

Bernstein was trying to play a game of smoke and mirrors to correct Biden’s false claim. But even his claim is loaded. He said the “factors” that contributed to inflation were “in place” in 2021. But he failed to explain what that means.

You could say the “factors” that contribute to inflation are always in place. But there is only inflation when a government makes bad decisions that trigger it. In the same way, there are always “factors” that could lead to war, but only war happens when a leader refuses to work for peace.

It seems this White House is not interested in the truth, but in gaslighting the American public.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s top economic adviser tried to cover for Joe’s lie about the economy.
  • He claimed Biden said the “factors” for 9% inflation were there when he entered office.
  • Biden said that inflation was at 9% in January 2021; inflation was, in fact, only 1.4%.

Source: Breitbart

May 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.